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Today is my four-year anniversary with my boyfriend, we’ve been together since college. We met at the library, we both reached for the same book and our eyes met but that’s where the cliché ends. He was not a jock or a man whore or a rich billionaire neither was I wallflower or bookworm. I was Andrea and he was Seth, both normal people with normal lives and we were and are still in love.
That’s why I can’t understand why he’s having sex with someone who isn’t me right now on our bed. They were so engrossed with each other that they four-year didn’t notice when I came in. Staring at them and I can already conjure up a plethora of things I want to do him as payback but he isn’t worth it sadly. Normally girls go after both the guy and the girl but I can’t fight for a man who obviously wasn’t mine.
I take a seat on the chair with the best vantage point of both the stairs and backyard then I call Seth.
“Hey babe” he says breathlessly
“Why do you sound out of breath? “I ask feigning ignorance.
“I was just doing some cardio” well in a way he isn’t lying, I heard sex is a great form of exercise and burning fat. Just don’t ask me who said it.
“Well I’m on my way home and I have something special planned for us hope you haven’t tired yourself out” I can hear shuffling and her muffled voice in the background but I choose to pretend to be deaf.
“Of course not babe, I love you” there was once a time just him saying babe was enough to make me melt and I really don’t think he understands what love truly is.
“Yeah sure me too” I just can’t bring myself to say those words back.
Suddenly I hear shuffling coming from upstairs and muffled whines probably from his new bed partner for having their hot afternoon rump in the sheet cut short. For a workaholic like Seth I never pictured him to ever leave work for mid-day sex, even during our college years he was never one to pull out his dick and have sex just about anywhere no matter how hard he was. Lord knows how often I had tried to make him do it but everything had to be planned out or safely done.
Next comes the thundering of footsteps down the stairs as they try to leave before I come back home, they aren’t even properly dressed; his trousers aren’t even zipped nor buckled and her shirt isn’t even buttoned up properly. They are so engrossed in hastily leaving that they fail to notice me sitting on the sofa.
As they reach the door, I decide to announce or rather reveal my presence with a slow dramatic clap. They both nearly jump out of their skins and the looks on their faces is priceless; I swear I think Seth just had a mini heart attack, I’ve never seen him so pale or shocked.
“B-b-babe you are home?” he stutters in shock with his statement sounding more like a question.
“Y-y-yes” I answer mockingly “where else I’m I supposed to be? Or should I come back later to give you and your new buddy extra time to round up?”
“Babe I’m so sorry, I never meant for this to happen. It was an accident” he pleads trying to look remorseful which is hard with your pants around your ankles and your dick semi hard.
At this point his partner his partner decides to peek out from behind him and all I can think is the fuck.
“What the actual fuck is wrong with you Seth” I cursed angrily “This is the height of disrespect not only did you abuse the right that you have a key to my house by bringing your fuck buddy and shagging her on my sheets, you also decided that from the millions of people roaming the earth it just had to be the receptionist from my office” if I were a cartoon character I know that steam would be coming out of my ears and nose. The audacity of the man.
“Well I don’t mean to interrupt whatever it is that is going on here but I really need to go, call me if you want to hook again hot stuff and see you at work lady” she wiggled her fingers and left.
Did that just happen? Then I turn to Seth who’s struggling to even come up with an excuse and look like a fish out of water with his mouth opening and closing.
“Follow her and I swear if I ever set my eyes on you, I would release Brie on you” I pushed him out with his trousers still around his ankles and slammed the door in his face not forgetting to lock it twice for extra measure.
He starts banging on the door trying to plead his case that it was all an accident.
Yeah sure of course it was. He accidently kissed her, got her number, drove her over to my place, took off their clothes and had sex. What an unfortunate accident. I swear the more o think about the less hope I have of him of having even an iota of common sense.
I wear pads not pampers, did he really think I was going to accept his excuse and then we would hold hands and sing kumbaya?
Now before I sink into the depths of anger and depression, I need to make some calls.
One to the locksmith to change my locks and get new keys, I honestly don’t want to see Seth in my house ever again.
Another call to Brie but I need to wait till Seth is a considerable distance away. Not like I really care about him but I really don’t want my best friend in prison or going to hell.
Then finally a stop at the mattress store and the bedding aisle to get a new mattress and beddings and some matches & gasoline. I need to burn the sheets and the mattress; I don’t even want to imagine how many times he has done this in my bed. I cringe and shudder internally just thinking about it.
How many times did we do things on the same bed and sheets he fucked someone else in?
How many times did I go to sleep on those same dirty ass sheets, its one thing when its your own body fluids but some random stranger? I just have to stop thinking about it for my mental health.
The conversation with Brie was as graphic as I imagined it would be with her threatening to find, torture and or kill Seth and my receptionist.
She even took great care to explain some of the scenarios she had planned before flipping it on me and raging on as to why I did not deem it fit to call her as soon as I found out while they were still upstairs but she calmed down and then proceeded to burst into laughter after I told her what I had done. Then she planned a mandatory night out slated for Sunday which I had no choice but to accept.

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