The Conversation

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My Dearest Princess,

I have not done a lot of good in this life, especially not good enough to deserve you, which leads me to theorize that I must have been a goddamn Saint in my past life to have deserved you, even just a fragment, in this life.

You called yourself a mess once, proclaimed that your life was too messy for me (yes, Liam did tell me this, and yes, I know you're already laughing, thinking of us two manly men gossiping about our love lives) but I think your mess fits perfectly into my own fucked-up life.

Two messy, fucked-up people in love ---- I wouldn't have it any other way, Princess, nor with anyone else.

The time I have spent with you, apart or together, fighting or loving, has shown me that even a thieving nobody can have an epic love with a badass, fierce, and brave Princess.

My very own happily ever after.

With all my love,

Jasper Frost

Robert snorted, rather derisively, as he read through the latest love letter Eleanor's bodyguard, Jasper, has put into the hollowed-out book they used to exchange love letters as if they were living out some Eighteenth Century love affair.

It was rather annoying to Robert who thought the whole thing childish.

He didn't have any hope in their relationship. It was as if they were two children playing at love, believing that if only they loved each other hard enough, they could overcome everything.

Neither of them had yet experienced real, true love. True love required momentous sacrifice.

It required you to give a piece of yourself, of your soul, until you could no longer recognize yourself.

Robert himself had never loved, nor he planned to, but Willow knew of that kind of love. He had seen it shine in her eyes, during the conversation they had before their wedding.

It was that love that had made her say "I do." It was that love that had crumbled her spirit so entirely, Robert was certain she would never recuperate.

It was admirable, if not a bit pathetic, how much Willow had let that love ruin and consume her.

As Robert put the disgusting love letter back into the hollowed-out book, the doors opened, and there stood Liam.

Robert put a smile on his face, quickly, before his brother could see the look of resentment that had flashed across his face just a second before.

Before the island, Liam had always been so...small. So preoccupied with his booze and his drugs and his girls. Concerned about all the small things in life even though a Crown glittered before his face everyday.

Liam had never hungered for thar Crown, for that power, not the way Robert had since he was just a young boy, and Robert had always been glad he had not been given a envious brother.

But now, as Liam strolled towards him, with his head held high and his eyes determined and hard, Robert realized his brother looked just like their late father.

King Simon.

Robert banished the unsavory thoughts away from his head and waited for Liam to speak.

"Everyone is waiting for you in your office." There was a hint of impatience in his brother's tone, which made Robert smile down at him.

Robert was glad his younger brother was still shorter than him.

"Yes, I am waiting for our special guest, so I can show him the way to my office."

Liam's left eyebrow cocked. "We weren't aware you were bringing anyone else for this family conversation."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2018 ⏰

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