Last Trip

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A car pulled up to the barren gas station, its engine cutting off after parking near the gas pumps.

Getting out was a family of four. Two young adults and their mother stood waiting while their father started adding fuel in.

Emily looked around the empty lot. Bright lights pushed away the night's darkness, but chills still went down her spine even with the warm, humid temperature.

"I hate how creepy these places are at night." She said, staying close to the car.

"What? Afraid someone's gonna kidnap an ugly girl like you?" Derrick teased, coming around to her side. "Or... do you think there are those freaks with powers waiting to kill us?!"

"Derrick!" Their mother snapped. "I wish you would stop joking all the time! We might be on a trip, but you need to start acting your age like your sister! You're already seventeen and it tires me every time you act like a child..." She trailed off, sighing sharply.

Before she could continue, their father spoke up in her stead. "And don't go believing in some fake stunt the media puts out. No one gets superpowers from eclipses." He said the last sentence more firmly.

Derrick silently mumbled that he got it, shoving his hands in his pockets: his usual sign of defeat.

Their father gave a curt nod. "Okay, then." He wrapped a comforting arm around their mother and they walked towards the convenience store.

Waiting 'til their parents were out of earshot, Emily shot her brother a smug look. "When will you ever learn? If you keep acting like an idiot, you're going to be treated like an idiot."

Emily was about to follow their parents, when suddenly Derrick clutched her arm, alarm written on his face.

"W-what is it?"

His eyes darted to some shrubbery nearby then back to her. "Did you hear that?" He whispered, pulling her closer.

"No..." Emily managed to say, fear making her heart race and her breathing uneven.

She knew she couldn't trust Derrick— he was always pulling stupid pranks on her—but she also couldn't help but feel anxious, especially because of the time and place. Horrible scenarios coming into her head, one after another--

Without any warning, loud music blared where they stood, making Emily jump back while shrieking in surprise.

Derrick laughed at his sister's reaction, holding out his phone as Snap's 'The Power' continued to play. "I might be an idiot, but at least I don't get scared by a 90's song like a wuss!" He retaliated. Stopping the music, he followed Emily as she stormed off into the store.

Once inside, he made his way to their father who was paying the clerk for a pack of cigarettes, passing by the aisle where Emily was tattling to their mother.

"Hey, I'm gonna use the restroom, so don't leave without me." Derrick joked, not even stopping for a response.

After relieving himself, Derrick took his time washing and drying his hands, counting the times the lights flickered. He also noticed that the toilets were more disgusting than the last pit stop they made.

So, of course, Derrick took a picture of it. It would have been a shame if he didn't capture an important memory for their last family trip.

His phone vibrated right when he thought about recording a video. It was a text message from Emily:

[wth is taking so long?]

[we r gonna leave u if u dont hurry]

To which Derrick replied with:

[dinner not siting well giv 5 mor mins]

And with that, he moved with a plan, going back out to where the clerk was. He picked out a random chocolate bar but instead of letting the older man ring it up, he held it up to get his attention.

"Hey, listen man," Derrick started, smiling nicely. "I'm on this stupid family road trip that I couldn't even back out of because my sister's going to college somewhere far away—thank goodness—and this past week has been tiring for me since they consider me the black sheep..."

The clerk stared at him blankly, raising an eyebrow.

Derrick's face fell as he lowered his head, but lifted it just as quickly, his facade somehow seeming even more disingenuous than before. "Look, I don't have any money on me, and I really doubt my parents will lend me some. So, just let me have this freebie. I'm even asking you when I could have stolen it!"

"How nice of you... but here's the thing," the clerk said, leaning over the counter. "I don't care about how modest you are or whatever's going on in your family. You either pay up or get out."

"Just this once?" Derrick pleaded.

"Don't make me get your Mommy and Dadd-"

Derrick bolted to the bathrooms. He was already halfway inside when he felt a strong hand yanking him by his shirt's collar. He took that opportunity to scratch at it, digging his nails as deeply as he could, freeing himself and hearing the older man hiss and curse.

Only, Derrick didn't let go. He stood with a sadistic grin, facing the clerk who angrily grabbed at his shirt again.

"You little punk!" The clerk spat, but he started to feel a painful, burning sensation from the scratch. His eyes widened in horror as the small wounds began opening wider and longer, his skin dissolving as if he had been splashed with acid.

And it didn't stop even after Derrick released him, his whole forearm already revealing muscles, fat, and dripping heavily with blood.

The clerk was on his knees and screaming as Derrick passed by him.

When Derrick got back to the car, he was met with his family's typical "greetings":

His father's disapproving silence.

His mother's angry scolding.

And his sister's annoying scoffs.

'Whatever.' Derrick thought, smiling to himself. He'll allow them to bring him down one last time...

It was their last trip together, after all.

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