move on

6 0 0

"H-Hi (y/n)."

Jungkook still looks shocked. From my dance?

I look back at him, no expression evident on my face. I cross my arms and poke out my hip a little so I can stand more comfortably.

"How h-have you been?" he asks hesitantly. His eyes are wide, and his lips are pulled into a thin line.

I can tell he is nervous, but I roll my eyes anyway. I run my tongue over my lips, wetting them slightly before I speak. "I'm fine." I look away from him, afraid that I'll lose my confident stature.

"That's g-good." He looks away from me too, down to the shoes on his feet. "I-I'm good too, but I can tell y-you don't want to t-talk to me." My head slowly creeps up to see him grin a little. He plays with his fingers while shaking his head. Those damn hands.

"Why would I want to talk to you?"

His head shoots up, his eyes finding mine. His eyes adjust to the lighting again, pupils getting bigger and smaller. "I-I.."

"Okay, that's enough for today," Mi Young steps in between Jungkook and I. She grabs my wrist and pulls me out of the door.

Once we get outside and the left side of the double doors close, she says, "Yah- why did you even talk to him in the first place?! You know you hate him!"

"Mi Young, what was I supposed to do? Just ignore him?!" I shout at her. "How can I do that after all I went through with him?" I whisper.

Mi Young walks to me slowly, pushing some hair out of my eyes. "(Y/n), you need to forget what happened and move on. He doesn't actually want you, and you know it."

I sigh. "Y-Yeah, you're right." My eyes are brimmed with tears as Mi Young and I walk back to my car.


Grabbing the handle to my car door, I pull, causing the car to make a click sound and open. I slide into my seat and buckle my seatbelt.


I turn. Mi Young is looking at me. "I'm sorry."

"For what?" I ask, curiosity evident in my voice.

"For saying that stuff about him. I know you really thought he was special." She has waves of sympathy coming from her mouth. "I thought he was special too. But then when he started..."

"You don't have to say it," I tell her. "He was special. And then I don't know what happened. He wasn't really ever the same." I curve my lips up into a slight smile, assuring Mi Young that I'm okay. She nods.

I take a deep breath. "Wanna go to that cafe around here? It'll make us feel better." I ask, playfulness running through my words.

Mi Young nods in approval, a chuckle coming from her lips and a smile creeping on her face.

I push my key into the car and turn, making the car roar to life. I pull out and head to the cafe.

When we get there, not many people seem to be seated inside. I open the door, the little bells ringing to signal that a new customer has arrived.

"Hello!" a boy says. "You guys can sit wherever you want, and I'll be right with you."

We nod and pick a table right by a window. We aren't far from the door either, just in case we start to run late for class.

I glance down at the menu, looking at their choices of drinks. "My name is Chanyeol. How can I help you guys?" He takes his notepad and pen out, making his blonde hair shake slightly. Mi Young orders a tea with honey and a salad, while I order a sandwich and lemon water.

After Chanyeol walks away, I hear the bell ring again. Out of instinct, I look over. Hoseok?

He walks up to the counter and orders something. He stands there, (I guess) to get a to-go order. He leans back on the desk, his palms resting on it. His eyes then meet mine, and they crinkle a little when he smiles. He makes his way over to Mi Young and I's table.

"Hello," he says when he walks up. "Can I take a seat?"

"S-Sure," I say, stuttering over my words.

"Hi Hoseok!" Mi Young says excitedly. "What are you doing here?"

He shrugs a little. "Just picking up some food for my friends because they're too lazy to come get it themselves." He chuckles a little. "What about you guys?"

"We're just eating before we have class," Mi Young says. How is she so good at talking to boys?

Hoseok turns to me. "I don't mean for this to sound weird, but I really enjoyed your dance today, (y/n)." He grins a little.

"Th-Thank you," I say with a smile on my face. I giggle a little at the thought of Hoseok being mean like him. He is an actual sweetheart.

Just then, a worker calls out for Hoseok. He looks in their direction, then back at us. "I'm sorry to cut this short, but I've gotta get going." He stands up. "And (y/n)?"

I lift my eyes to look up at him. "Can we talk again sometime?"

My eyes widen. He wants to talk to me again? But I barely even spoke!

I nod my head. "Yeah, I'd like that." I smile wide, Hoseok mirroring my expression. He walks up to the counter, grabbing his food, and leaves.

I look to Mi Young. She has a huge smirk plastered onto her face.

(A/N): helloooooo

it has literally been so long since ive updated this fanfic. like 3 weeks! but i have a somewhat valid excuse, school. its now the 2nd official week of school in the states, and let me just say, its hard. i stayed up and studied a lot (instead of reading your amazing stories on here :/)

anyway, im hoping to be fully back on schedule. and i will release this schedule soon if you are interested in what that may be. (sister needs to look @ her notes to make sure she doesnt get this wrong bc that would be bad.) this fanfic will be updated every wednesday WITH ONLY YOU

if this is your first time reading one of my fanfics, dont forget to swing by my others. they are please dont go (a jimin fanfic), telepathy (a namjoon fanfic), and only you (a jin fanfic).

if you enjoyed this chapter of dance academy, please vote on it so i know that you guys enjoy it ! if you have any suggestions for future chapters or other works on my account, please feel free to comment !! also, if you have questions for me or for the characters in any of my fanfics, comment those too and ill be sure to answer it for you.

bye lovessss - until next chapter

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