Chapter 1

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Ryan P.O.V

WOW! look at this huge crowd guys.

"Umm Ryan you know its a sold out show right? I mean you got the phone call.'' Eddie holding Ryan's shoulder shaking his head while looking down at the ground, of the concert hall.

Zach good luck up there. Try and not mess up this time. "Yeah Yeah Mr. Prefect like you don't" Hey, watch it" while Zach takes his first steps on the stage in Phoenix Arizona.

The Crowd yells out my name "RYAN, RYAN, RYAN!" but sadly Zach's first I only hear a small portion of the crowed yell for Zach. While the other are still screaming my name of course.

Next up is me and of course the crowd screams even louder for me. "I'm top dog around here suckers" I yell to the others.

Hey guys whats going on here with this heat while I revile my 12 pack half way to tease the crowd. While all the girls go gaga. I hear one girl say I love you and of course I have to say back I hate you all. I'm kidding I say Love you to. While I smooth talk the fans the others join Zach and I on stage.

All right guys lets start out with...

The crowd screams Love Runs Out. Um guys we can't really do that song quite yet as much as I would love to sing it with my awesome sexy voice. We have not had the practice time to go over it so the next time were are here we will do it.

All of the sudden I hear no one


All I do is turn around and see if everyone is okay on stage. The one person that is hurt is Zach he is bleeding so bad. Everyone else in the crowd is down.

Lucky for Eddie he can hide behind the drums.

I get up just were I'm on my knees, all I do is pray that Zach and the people in the crowd and this will be all okay.

I put my head down and cross my hands.

Dear Lord,


                    It seems like i only come here to talk to you in times of trouble, but I do know you and love you can you please help my friend Zach and all the people today to heal what has been broken and to have your grace be here with them.


I take my head up all I see is the black shadow with his or her hand pointing straight at me, all I do is put my hands up hopeless under its control.

I see Zach from the corner of my eye moving, groaning, yelling for help. I see Brent in the other side crawling back stage.

All I can do is pray we all can go home okay.

"All you do is create fucking heart burn. You destroy stupid life and write heart breaking music. You will..."

Then this girl with beautiful blonde flowing hair jumps on this person about to kill me. Sadly the gun shoots. It hits Drew in the arm.

I'm able to grab my phone  and dial 911 but they were all ready here.

The police had captured the black shadow. After I saw the police taken it away I saw all this destruction.

What is wrong with people these days. I moved my  head  to see if anyone was hurt. Luckily everyone was to escape. I turned around I saw the blonde lady girl person laying on the ground breathing heave, I yell for help. Good thing the paramedics were here. Her phone was just out of her pocket I picked it up to see if I can get a name. The paramedics put an oxygen mask on. They pushed me out of the way before I could reach it.

"Luck boy you are" I hear her as she wakes up from the accident.

I walk back out to the middle of the room. I can't believe we didn't even start any music and this happened. I just know God has a plan for this some how.

"Ryan, RYAN!!! Are you okay man" Eddie yells out

I turn to look at him I put my hands on his shoulder.

Eddie does it look like I'm okay you should be more worried about Zach and Drew to see if their okay their the ones that got shot. Not ME!

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