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Dashaun POV:

"Ma." I yelled from under my covers.

"Yes?" She popped her head in.

"I think I'm running a fever."

I scooted back so she could have room to sit. She put her hand on my clammy forehead. "Yeah I think you are too. I'll have your dad make you a hot tottie."

"What's that? And when did he get here?"

"Like ten minutes ago, and tea with vodka."


"He wanted to talk."

"About what exactly?"

"Us getting back together."

"Excuse my language but hell no. I got one foot in the door with Chris and once you make this move we gonna be fully in that guy. James is not about to walk up in here and fuck shit up for us...again."

"Day..." I called him by his nickname.

"No ma, countless times you've let him back into our lives for him to turn around and break your heart. I'm tired of fixing what he broke. Of course I'm always gonna build you up because you're my mom but I can't let this keep happening cause your so blinded by so called loved."

I was speechless, he was right. Countless times I've taken James back. For the past week I been thinking about getting back with him but after hearing Dashaun I know it's a bad idea.

I finally have a man that wants to do right by me and my son. Even though I'm scared about this move I know I'll be happy.

"You right, I'm gonna tell him straight up that I can't no longer hold on to him. Cause all its gonna do it drag me down."

He nodded as he typed on this phone.

I crept down the stairs to find James looking in the photo album.

"What you doing?" I asked sitting by him.

"Just looking." He sighed.

"Soo." I dragged out.

"So what? Wow we looked good." He smiled as he stumbled upon a photo of us when we first found out about Day.

"Wow remember we asked the nurse to take this because we knew our parents wouldn't." He chuckled.

" He chuckled

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"...Yeah we vowed to each other to always be there for Day no matter what." I nodded looking at the picture.

"I love you." He looked me in the eyes.

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She's All I Want | Chris BrownWhere stories live. Discover now