
197 20 9

BDE • 2018


Walking into a coffee shop soaking wet isn't a person's best sense of a 'good day'.

But neither is having scorching hot expresso poured against you either.

Wait, let me explain from the beginning, yeah?

1 hour beforehand

I woke up to the constant buzzing of my phone, grabbing it and turning it on, immediately cursing afterwards since my brightness was all the way up.

"Hello, damn it?" I growl into the phone, squinting so hard my eyes were basically closed. I suppressed a yawn and sat up against the headboard, my brunette curls fighting against the french braid I had them in.

"Kaiko, you're late." My friend, Alyssa seethed. She got me the job luckily since she's so trusted at her job, so her recommendation for me was highly considered.

I did not want to make a bad impression.

"Shit!" I muttered, throwing myself out of bed so fast I almost passed out from the dizziness. My phone was forgotten as I took the quickest shower ever, and ran out of the bathroom in a towel, my curls hanging off my shoulders in ringlets.

I ran to my small closet, pulling out a pair of black slacks and a white polo. After lotioning up and getting dressed, I slipped on some random black wedges that I don't even remember getting and grabbed my keys and phone, slipping out of my apartment.

I walked over to my car, about to open the car door before realizing that the oil still needed to be changed. Sneaking another curse as I saw the gray sky, I bit my lip and started walking down the sidewalk. Fuck it, I could just call a cab.

Until a raindrop hit me dead smack on my nose.

I groaned as everyone around me pulled out umbrellas, prepared for this situation meanwhile I'm here looking like a professional, wet bum.

I walked, more like scurried into the closest shop I saw, Kim's Kafe. At least i'd be out of the soaking rain.

I sighed in content as the warm heat hit my slightly soaked body, my muscles relaxing. After a minute of standing by the door of the shop with my eyes closed like a freak, I walked up to the line, standing behind a man with orange hair.

"Excuse me..." A lady said, walking between me and the man behind me. I took a step closer to the guy in front of me to avoid her, but just as I did he turned around.

And so did his drink.

On my shirt.

His scolding hot drink.

We both gasped immediately, both of us in shock as we stood still for a moment, assessing the situation. That's how long it took for the drink to actually soak through my shirt, the hot liquid making me supress a cry.

He cursed, grabbing napkins from no where and passing them to me hurriedly. I snatched them, not caring if I came off rude and patting against my shirt, but not to hard as of it would press against my skin more.

After the liquid cooled off a bit, I looked up and locker eyes with the males, seething with anger.

"What the fuck?" I growled, opening my arms wide. "Are you serious?"

"Look, I'm sorry! I didn't know you were so close behind me.. I'll pay you for a new shirt ...uh, here." He said calmly, pulling out a crisp $20 and holding it out to me, and avoiding eye contact.

"What the fuck is this?!" I scowled, looking at the money in disbelief. I still took it, but what would this fix. "I have a damn job I have to get to work to, I have no fucking time to- ugh!" Gripping my dripping wet hair, I weaved myself out of the line and through the door of the shop.

I looked down at my polo, noticing that it's now see through thanks to the rain and coffee, my gray bra slightly revealed. Blowing out a breath, I took my phone out of my pockets, and dialed Alyssa.

After a second she picked up frantic, "Kaiko, what the fuck-"

"Alyssa." I sniffed, wiping my face with my wrist. Thank god I didn't put on any makeup.

"Kaiko? Are you ok?" She asked worridly, her tone dropping softly.

"I know you're at work but," I paused, sniffing again, "can you please pick me up? I-I can't-"

"Shh, where are you? Text me your location ok? My boss isn't even here yet its fine." She assured, before hanging up. I quickly sent her the name of the coffee shop, and crossed my arms to try to both cover my shirt and warm myself. It was still drizzling as I tried to control my emotions, sniffing every once and awhile.

The bell of a door sounded, but I paid it no mind as I stared down at my shoes.

"Excuse me?"

I looked up to see the same guy who spilled his drink on me. I took a good look at him, he was dressed in basically the same thing I was, a white button down and black slacks, except he had a black tie and a suit jacket that was half buttoned.

I trailed my eyes up to his face and noticed how sculpted his jaw and nose was, and how small yet nice his eyes were. It was almost hard for me to look away.

Till I remembered he spilled his fucking drink on me 5 minutes ago.

"What?" I snapped, my eyes slitting as I squeezed my arms tighter around myself, feeling the money he gave me earlier wrinkle in my hand.

"Look, I apologize for what just happened, I honestly didn't know you were that close behind me." He admitted, one hand up in the air as if in surrender. "But I feel bad so I'd like to make up for it, besides the money..."

I bit my lip in contemplation, noticing my phone vibrate. I looked, seeing Alyssa texted me.

I can't come pick you up, there's traffic on that route, if I go I'll be late to work and to you, I'm sorry KK 😥 - 7:46

Wow, what great timing.

I sighed, tilting my head back in agony. The guy beside me cleared his throat, making me glance at him tiredly.

"Mind giving me a ride home, at least?" I asked exasperatedly, just wanting this damn day to end.

He smirked at me, running his hand through his orange locks.

"My pleasure."


How y'all liking that, ehh ? 🤔

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