Boy crush x girl reader fluff

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So this does have one curse in it soz but it's really fluffy so
Word count: 978

It was a Friday in school, and you were in your last class of the day, science.

Your P.O.V
Science Yay! I kinda don't like science other than the fact i get to sit beside c/n. As tuff as he pretends to be around his friends, he's actually really cool. I love making him laugh. He does this little confused face at first but then he lets out his cute chuckle. But when he makes me laugh, oh my do I get stitches. It's kinda embarrassing because of how often/ how loud I laugh but that's what I like about him.
I was currently annoying him about this video of him going "we have determination" in a really stern voice which is NOT c/n's style of "speech" but he flips it on me saying about a video of me doing the maceranna at a party was "wayyyy worse" it wasn't. But as a result, c/n was blushing. He's such a cutie!
I hadn't been listening to the teacher until they said something about partners.  I wasn't quite paying attention so I  ask around. I ask my friend f/n cause she has nothing better to do then listen in this class, and they say "we're going outside to look for bugs or something but we have to do it with the person sitting beside us". YES but I say no on the outside, c/n still doesn't know I like him and I'm not planning on letting it slipping now.
"Aw no do I have to do it with you?!" C/n whines, with the sweetest pout.
"No c/n you GET to do it with me, you're a lucky man!" I sound snobby but that's what I wanted to annoy him just enough.
"Ugh why can't I be with c/f/n! Or ANYONE"
"Hey that's enough! WE are gonna do this together, no get your copy because you're writing" I kinda feel mean making him right but I don't want to so

C/n and I find a good spot for "looking for bugs or something". It's behind where most of the school, all there is here is a tree and an old shed, or as I told c/n, "your house", I'm so funny!

We look around for anything unusual or anything really, when c/n tells me how boring this is. I agree but tell him that we have to get this work done or else the teacher will be annoyed.
"Why do you care about that teacher, they never even call on us we'll be fine! We don't need to do this!"
"Ya true but we have to,just incase" I hate having to be that guy but I don't want to explain why we hadn't it done.
"I'm so bored though, we could do soemthing else?"
"Like what look somewhere else? No thanks! This place is fine"
"No like let's play a game. Never have I ever!"
Yesss I love that game
"Hm maybe. Pick out one other bug and then we can pla-"
"Found one! Ok never have I ever had sex!"
Ok that was quick
"Excuse me! I'm literally 3 no!"
"Ya neither have I, I was jsut testing you, Your turn!"
He's so cheeky some times
"Okayy, never have I everrr, kissed someone"
That one I haven't but I wanted to catch him out.
"Oh my god what! You haven't y/n!"
"No and thsi do not going to turn into a teen movie so don't think of it!"
"Ew NO I don't see you like taht jeez!"
Aw he's blushing! WAIT
"Ow c/n daggers through my heart!"
That was said sarcastically said but I definitely meant it
"Ha anyways, never have I ever, embarrassed myself infront of my crush!"
I put a finger down
He puts a finger down
"Ok ok, never have I ever, had dancing lessons!" I say not knowing he had
"What are you eighty?!"
"Hey I put down a  finger down and you didn't "
Lmao if he has had dancing lessons!
"Well I have ever so!"
" WHAT! really?! Show me!"
"No way!"
He's going red again
"Oh come on please"
"Fine but you have to be my dancing partner!"
I really would NOT mind that AT ALL
"Fine" I say rolling my eyes

He stands up, reaching for my hand as I was still sitting. I ask him what type of dancing was it. He told me waltzing. Oh joy, hand in hand face to face chest to chest dancing! Lovely!

He grabs my hand and puts it on his shoulder, then i feel a hand on my waist, might I say a little lower than I would think . He puts my remaining hand in his holding them together infront of ye, and starts to step.
He seems to be concentrating a lot on his 1,2,3's but I'm
concentrating on his hand in mine. It's not a perfect fit since his hands are fucking huge and mine are a lot smaller but it's fine.
You listen to him counting his 1,2,3,1,2,3 its adorable!

He looks up to me and smiles,flicking between me eyes and lips. DO IT DO IT!, I scream in my head.i wa shrinking the exact same thing, I really want to kiss him.

I go to open my mouth but get interrupted by his lips. It's not a make out but it's good.

As I pull away he looks at my eyes. I pull my hand from his and put down a finger.

AND SCENE! God I hope it wasn't too long of a story! I haven't written in agesss

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2018 ⏰

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