Chapter 19 - Woo

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Jeongguk is oddly in a good mood today, making his hyungs eye him suspiciously.

"Why are you grinning like an idiot kid?" Yoongi asked when they were walking to the school gates after their classes.

"Did you get laid?" Jimin asked, leaning at his boyfriend who immediately wrapped his arm around his waist.


"Did someone gave you a suck?" Jin guesses making him glare at him.

"What? No hyung."

"Uh- Did you see some pretty boy again?" Namjoon joined in.

"Or did you suck someone's face off on the hallways again?" Hoseok cheekily asked.

Jeongguk groaned, annoyed at his friends.
"Look, none of the above okay. I'm just happy because I was able to talk to Taehyung. And c'mon, I'm doing my best to behave." He defended.

His hyungs smile proudly at him, "FINALLY!" They yelled in unison making him roll his eyes.

They were almost near the gates when they spot a familiar brunette outside, looking like he's waiting for someone.

The familiar boy turned around and his face instantly lit up seeing them. A boxy smiled appeared on his lips as he waved at the group excitedly.

"Is that-" Jin wasn't able to finish his sentence when Jeongguk run to the brunette leaving his hyungs grinning at him seeing how whipped he is.

Jeongguk immediately engulfed Taehyung with a bone crashing hug the moment he reached him, making him giggle.

He can feel Jeongguk's raging heartbeats as he settles his head on his chest, hugging him back.

"Taehyung, fuck. I miss you so much babe." He said, peppering his face woth kisses making the brunette's face heat up.

They were catching too much attention from the other Crestmont's students who were on their way home. Some eyed them adoringly seeing how cute they are together, some throw them disgusting looks and some glares at the certain brunette for making the young leader so whipped for him which they can't barely do.

"I miss you so much Taehyung, do you know that huh?" He said sincerely, cupping his face to look at him. "Fuck babe, please don't do this again or I might really go crazy."

Taehyung chuckles but was immediately cut off when a pair of lips landed on his own. He was shocked at first but instantly kiss back, melting on Jeongguk's arm around him.

The young leader tilted his head on the side, his hand on the back of the other's head, deepening the kiss making Taehyung moan unconciously.

Jeongguk smiled to the kiss, satisfied of hearing that sound. "I miss kissing you." He whispered, lips still ghosting each other.

Taehyung blushes madly, pulling away but Jeongguk was quick to pull him back and peck on his lips over and over again.

He just can't get enough of the brunette's sweet taste.

"Jeongguk, stop sucking my baby's face, you brat." Jin interrupted them as he grabs Jeongguk's shirt and pull him away.

"We miss you Tae." Jimin exclaimed as he tackle him with a hug followed by Jin.

"I miss you both too.. so much." Taehyung happily said, hugging the two back.

After a minutes of bone crushing hugs, they decided to stop by the cafe at the front of their school to grab something to eat.

The same girl welcomed them but immediately frowned seeing the fine gentlemen holding into their partners tightly, especially Jeongguk who never let his self stay a meter away from Taehyung.

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