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Hate of any kind if not allowed! I will kick you out! And don't try and trade slots with someone else once you pick a slot you are stuck with it! No fighting the other Appliers either!

Please follow me I am very hungry for followers and need some! This isn't required but would be appreciated!

You need to be active no matter what! If you are not I will not use your character as much, I might kill it if you won't be active I better see you commenting and voting! I know you may hate me but oh well! Also please tell me if you change your user! Actives checks will be every two weeks on Tuesdays

Yes you can reserve however! If someone also applies for that slot and you don't turn yours in or you don't get it filled out right they will get that form!

There is no password for this AF! Just this time

Have fun this is my first AF and I want it to go good! I really want to continue this AF instead of Discontinue!

I was thinking about making an Entertainment AF, if you join this can you check that one out? It would be very appreciated!

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