More Than Just Fantasy (STORY ON HOLD)

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Hello! My name is Kate and this is my first story on Wattpad so I would love any corrective criticism you may have! My Instagram is @phenominiallhoranhug and my twitter is @katesullivan96 :)If you like it I'll keep writing!  thanks for reading! 

I was watching the rode fly by as I listened to my latest playlist on my iPhone. It was called obsessions and well it was full of my latest obbsessions. Thats why I didn't realize the car had stopped untill my cab driver told me to get out. Rude much? I thought as I paid the fare and got out of the car. I guess he had already gotten my luggage out and set it on the curb but he still didn't have an excuse to be so mean. After stacking my four huge bags on a cart I made my way inside the sliding doors of SEA-TAC Airport. 

Airports were always peacful but exciting to me. I loved them and flying and traveling in general. The line at the British Airways counter was empty so i had no trouble getting my bags checked. The  lady looked at me with a weird glance and asked, "Are you moving?" It was strange that she guessed it and i Quietly asked, "Yes, Why?' She looked at me and said, "Well you dont have much stuff with you." I laughed and explained to her that I had shipped a lot over already, the four bags were mainly just clothes.  After making my way through the security with ease (my family could never undertand how i did it), I grabbed an iced latte and headed toward the international flights wing.

I had been out of the US a few times but never by myself. It was also the first time I had to get a one-way ticket. Just knowing I couldnt go back was thrilling and I felt free. My parents never understood my love of London and hated airports. When I reached my gate they just started boarding so I made my way to the queue. When I got on the plane I walked past the first class area, I had never flown first class in my life, but when i got to my seat someone was in it. I double checked my boarding pass and then taped them on the soulder.

"Excuse me but thats my seat." I said politly to the women sitting there.

She turned to me and told me, "No honey its mine see right here." She pointed to her ticket and what do you know it had the same exact number as mine. I sighed and walked to the front again. A stewardess was standing at the door helping people find their way

"Hello Mam. I think theres been a mistake" She looked at my with a glare and asked what the problem was. "Well this lady has the same seat on her ticket as me." I told her and she looked annoyed. "Thats impossible. Where is your seat?' she asked. I  showed her my ticket and she peered down the isle. "Oh, Im sorry miss if you can just wait here I'll see what I can do" she rushed down the isle toward another attendant. Soon she was back and told me to follow her. She led me to the last seat in the first class section. "This is the only empty seat. Is that okay?" I nodded my head with a grin and sat down next to a guy who looked around my age. the seat was a million times more comfortable and I settled in for the long flight ahead of me.

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