Chapter 4

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Two weeks had passed since Mindy had introduced her work out regimen to Mesut. He had given her updates over the phone how strictly he was following his ten mile run and his two hours in the weight room. She would meet with him tomorrow for a physical checkup to record his progress. He had also been logging his diet for her. Dr. Chavda had been impressed by the apparent compliance of Mindy's patient. Although Mindy was busy in the sports medicine training center going to  lectures and learning the latest sports medicine plans, she still longed for social interactions outside of work. Her medical colleagues at the training center were very friendly, however, their conversations were very limited by language barriers. One particular girl, Luz, was from Spain and she spoke better English than the others, and so Mindy became fond of her quickly. Mindy was standing over the printer machine, waiting for a research paper to print, when Luz approached her from behind and suprised her. Luz could sometimes be oblivious to boundaries, however, Mindy found it endearing despite the fact she was often the victim to Luz's antics.

"Mindy, let's do something fun tonight. We're working so hard and we need some distractions!"

"What were you thinking, Luz"

"Club! La discoteca! I mention it to the other interns and they want to go tonight. Do you want to come?"

Mindy hesitated for a moment. She had only been to a club once back home and had sworn off the experience for what she thought would be eternity. However, if she didn't go out, she would miss out on an opportunity to get to know her colleagues and to meet other young twenty-somethings in the area. Reluctantly she agreed to go and the work day seemed to pass by a little faster. 

        That night, Mindy had taken a nap until it was time to get up and get ready to go the club. She wore a hot pink dress shift dress that embodied the mod-60s era and black loafers which were adorned with a short heel. She didn't quite know what to wear for the club as her wardrobe was filled with conservative, work attire. Her outifit tonight was the closest to appropriate for a club outing, and she was pretty sure she had worn this outfit for 60s theme party once. She had wavy, midlength black hair which she combed half-heartedly. It was pointless to try tame her hair. She met Luz at the cafe in the lounge of her flat building. Luz looked gorgeous in all her Latina beauty with her golden brown locks piled on top her head in a sultry bun. She was wearing a beaded golden top with a brown skirt which perfectly complimented her tanned skin. No one would be able to tell that she was a dorky medical student intern by day. Mindy, on the other hand, looked like she had come from an Andy Warhol photograph or a Wes Anderson movie. Beautiful, but in a rather dorky and awkward way. Luz, looked up and down at Mindy and said in dismay, "Dios mio, it will have to do. It will have to do."

Luz and Mindy were picked up by their party and entered the night club together. It was dizzying and smoky inside. The music was so loud that the pulse of the drums and bass resonated into Mindy's chest. The lights switched on and off in a disorienting array of colors. This was not Mindy's scene. Luz and the other interns began to share shots, however, Mindy felt too tense to drink. She would have to go to work again the next morning. She found herself in the middle of the floor, smothered by the other uncoordinated clubbers, slamming themselves up and down and from left to right. She desperately wanted to escape to the corner of the room and so she started jumping up and down with the chaotic flow of the clubbers until she had slammed herself towards the corner. As the lights flashed off and on, she saw a figure near her that looked vaguely familiar. It was a man embracing a tall, voluptuous women with long dark hair and smoldering green eyes. He was also accompanied by other young men. As the lights flashed on for the brief moment, Mindy was looking directly into the eyes of the figure dressed in a dark leather jacket and dark-washed jeans. Although she did not recognize him in non-athletic attire, she was able to recognize Mesut. Mesut broke out a large smile. They were the only eyes that she met in the dark of the room. She almost smiled back until she noticed his sinewy shoulders tapering down to his hand and fingers, from which there was a thin, white cigarette. She felt anger and resentment brewing inside immediately.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2014 ⏰

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