Chapter 2

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"So, you're telling me Kaname Kuran invited you to get eaten out by him?"

Aidou stared up at Zero from his spot on Zero's bedroom floor, eyes wide.

Zero sighed, running his hands through his hair and pacing back and forth as he replied.

"No I'm pretty sure it was an invitation for both of us and not just me, but yes, yes he did invite me to get eaten out."

Aidou scoffed, "As if. Why on earth would it be extended to me too?"

Zero frowned at that, looking at Aidou like a scolding mother would.

"Don't you start with that self depreciating shit. You're gorgeous, Hana. Anyone would be extremely lucky to be with you. You are coming, don't fight me on this."

Aidou just sighed and rolled over, ignoring Zero in favor of the cracks in the wall.


The next evening saw Zero rushing into his room, yanking Aidou up and dragging him into the shower.

"Zero?! What is going- eek!"

Cold water splashed down on Aidou as Zero adjusted the temperature and stepped inside the stall with him. Aidou shivered as Zero pushed him up against the wall and grinned.

"We are going to clean, very, very thoroughly. And then you and me are going to take a trip to a certain pureblood."

Aidou's eyes widened and a noise not unlike a squeak left him as Zero suddenly got up close and personal with his body, scrubbing the life out of him.


Zero strode into the building, Aidou following behind a little timidly. Zero huffed, side-eyeing him as they walked up the stairs and Aidou finally caught up.

He still doesn't think Kaname wants him too. We will have to change that.

They reached Kaname's room and Zero didn't even have to knock, the door opening on its own as soon as they approached it, and Zero walked into the room as if he owned the place while Aidou followed nervously,  eyes to the ground as soon as he passed the doorway and felt that all-consuming aura slide over his skin, baring him before his king and making him shiver.

Aidou's head immediately snapped up at the sounds of a breathy moan and his eyes widened when he realized his lover and his ruler were already going at it, Zero being shoved onto the bed and having his mouth ravished by Kaname.

The blond noble froze for a moment, unsure of how to proceed and what he was allowed to do. Zero broke the heated kiss he had been in with Kaname and gestured for Aidou to join them. Aidou nearly whimpered as the Pureblood's dark gaze slid over to him, aura tightening and caressing.  He didn't know what that meant but he hoped it was acceptance, his legs shakily carrying him to the massive bed that they were on.

Zero smirked when Aidou reached the side of the bed and reached out, yanking him down beside him and hungrily kissing him as Kaname ripped Zero's shirt open and started sucking marks onto his pale skin, a hint of fang brushing against the hunter and earning Kaname a shudder.

Aidou whimpered, a small moan escaping him when Zero broke their kiss to playfully nip at his jaw.  The blond glanced to the side and froze, caught in Kaname's intense stare as the Pureblood sensually licked a stripe up Zero's chest. A low rumble escaped Kaname's chest and Aidou bit his bottom lip, both aroused and unsure how to act.

Kaname broke the eye contact to continue kissing and nipping his way down Zero's body. He pulled Zero's pants off and grabbed the bottle of lube that he had at some point tossed onto the bed, slicking his fingers up before giving the tip of the hunter's dick a small lick that had him hissing and rocking his hips up, desperate for more.

Kaname chuckled and swallowed Zero down, earning a startled and delighted gasp from the hunter as that wicked heat completely covered him.

Aidou squirmed and rubbed himself through his pants. He wanted to get off so bad but he watched instead, pupils blown and mouth slack as he watched his Pureblood leader deepthroat Zero like a pro.

It didn't take long for Zero to get close to coming, his gasps and moans got more frantic and his hips started to rock more as he chased his high. Kaname just hummed lowly with an amused smirk in his eye and swallowed, causing Zero to come with a strangled moan, body shaking.

Kaname slid off of Zero with a filthy sounding slurp, licking his lips and looking like a cat who got the cream as he stared down at Zero.

Suddenly those wine colored eyes slid over to Aidou and the noble shivered as Kaname got on all fours and stalked towards him, as graceful as he was deadly.

Zero smirked at the sound of Aidou's startled gasp and opened his eyes to watch as Kaname started to basically tongue fuck Aidou's mouth as he shoved him flat on his back underneath him.

The sound of Aidou's whimpers and muffled moans filled the room, like sweet music to Zero's ears. Even though he had just came, he could already feel his body trying to get excited again.

He licked his lips as he watched Kaname pull Aidou's sweatpants down and grab his very swollen erection, causing the blond to arch into him and let out a high pitched sound that was muffled by the pureblood's tongue.

Then Kaname started to stroke and, god, those sounds should be illegal. Aidou was falling apart in Kaname's hands, overwhelmed and obviously already close to coming.

Kaname's tongue slid out of Aidou's mouth and he chuckled, trailing kisses down the smaller vampire's neck and chest as he kept up the slow and agonizing pace of his strokes. Happily watching the little noble get lost in the sensations. He kissed his way down to a nipple, taking it into his mouth and nipping and sucking on it, a low growl rumbling in his chest as he listened to the high pitched moans Aidou couldn't keep in.

One of Kaname's hands slid down between Aidou's legs, already slick with lube, and he slid a finger deep into him, earning a gasp and squirming from Aidou.

"K-Kaname-! Nhg! Hah!"

Kaname rumbled lowly, eyes slitted open and glowing in amusement as he made a mess out of the poor, suprised little noble. One finger became two, scissoring and thrusting in and out of the overwhelmed blond who trembled below the pureblood and his consuming aura.

Zero practically purred in pleasure, slowly pulling himself onto his hands and knees and crawling over to the other two vampires. He quickly claimed Aidou's mouth, swallowing his high pitched whimpers as Kaname added yet another finger, pace increasing as his desire grew.

When Zero pulled away a strand of saliva briefly connected their mouths and Aidou shivered as Zero brushed his knuckles against his cheek and spoke in a low tone.

"Now, Hana, Kaname is going to fuck you, ok? Can you be a good boy for us? Can you take him?"

Aidou licked his lips nervously and jerkily nodded, gasping and squirming when the Pureblood hit his prostate and scissored his fingers.

Zero smirked, leaning down and kissing the blond's forehead as Kaname's fingers slid out of him with a lewd squelching sound.

The Pureblood gently rolled Aidou onto his back, pulling his hips up and lining himself up before stilling and leaning over the blond, lips brushing against Aidou's back as Kaname made a low sound, a question. Aidou arched his back and wiggled his ass and Kaname grinned. Thrusting forward and slowly burying every thick inch into the whimper mess of a noble below him.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2018 ⏰

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