Chapter 1

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"Mom!!I'm home!"I shouted.

"Hi honey!I'm here in the kitchen!"My mom shouted back.

"Okay"I replied.

I went to my room and put all my things on the study table.

By the way,my name is Keeshia B. Palma.I just turned 12 last july 14.I love to sing and dance.Many people say that I lool like a barbie doll..well I think so too..Wondering why I'm speaking english? well its because I read books and english language is the language we use in our home so I'm used to it..I live in Manila philippines..yes..I'm a 100% filipina.

I looked at the clock..Its already 7:00.I need to watch the voice kids!!

When I turned the T.V on the voice kids was already starting..A boy was singing"DOMINO",my favorite song.He sang it really well..After he sang he introduced himself..His name is Darren Espanto..When he said his name,my heart was beating abnormally..weird..


The next day,I went to school very early..I don't know what has gotten in me but I keep thinking about Darren...Hmm..Darren,darren,darren..Seriously what is going on..urrgghh!!


When I arrived in school many students were talking about I don't know, something?or maybe someone?hmm..I don't really know until my friends came running towards me.

"Keeshia!"they all shouted in chorus.

"Wait!What's happening?!"I asked.

"Wait,you don't know?!"Kyle said giving me the "seriously" look.

"What do I need to know exactly?"I asked them in a cool way..

"Well,did you watch the voice kids yesterday?"asked keilah.


"Do you know who darren is?"violah asked.

When she said the name darren,I felt butterflies in my stomach..

"Uhh..the boy who sang Domino?"I asked them.

"Yeah!He's so cute right ang handsome and a really go-"

"Good singer..yeah yeah..I know"

*Bell rings*

"Well I have to go.The bell says that classes are about to start so I better get going..And don't bring up the darren topic cause I  don't care who that darren is..And I have nothing to do with his life..And..I don't think  he's even offense guys!Bye!"I told them.They just gave me a what- happened-to-her look.

Darren is no no..stop thinking about him keeshia..don't think about him all the time..try to focus on something that is important..stop being so stupid..I told my ownself..Why am I thinking about him anyway?He's not special or anything..right?okay..time for class.


I didn't really understand lesson cause I was thinking about him again.Everytime I think about him,my heart beats really fast,waitI think I'll have a heart attack..but wait..Is this what they call love?Huh?seriously?I'm too young for that..and I never even met him yet so I just have to relax..Inhale..Exhale..ughh!!..


After lunch I decided  to call my mom. because I was not really feeling well..I think I have a headache...Ugh!I'm blaming darren for this one!!He's really getting on my nerves,but why can't I stay mad at him?..grr

I tried to call mom...

"Hello Mom?"I said.

"Oh. hi honey..what do you need?"

"Mom,can you pick me up cause I'm npt really feeling well today."I said in a very weak voice.

"Okay.I'll be right there".

"Thanks mom".Then I hung up..



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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2014 ⏰

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