Chapter Eight - Dissension in the Ranks

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As they walked back to Vocans, Gregor couldn't help but class today as a sucess. Despite the fact that they were walking back in the dark having missed the last carriage. Myra also smiled despite herself. She'd enjoyed the time away from the stress of Vocans. Sure, she had blisters and was now carrying a heavy bag of books but the ice cream had been good... though maybe she should have eaten faster. Seeing Myra smile, Gregor grinned.

"I'm glad you enjoyed today, I had fun."

"I did too. Thank you for providing a much needed distraction." She grimaced slightly as she shifted the bag on her shoulder. "Do you think we'll be in trouble?"

"Not if they don't catch us." He smirked, "Also, if they do, let me do the talking. I'll make sure you don't get blamed." He reached over and lifted the bag on the smaller summoner's back, so there was no weight on her shoulder.

Myra felt herself blush slightly as the older boy helped her with the load. "So... um. Tell me about yourself." She suggested, looking out into the dark.

"There's not much to tell really," Gregor said, shrugging slightly, still holding her bag. "I mean the most interesting thing about me is that I'm a summoner." As he said this he held out his newly tattooed left hand and summoned his damsel out in a flash of light. "But of course, you already knew that."

Myra nodded and watched the new demon flash back and forth in the night. "What did you do before?"

"I was a woodcutter." Gregor said, "And also a teacher. The innkeeper paid me for the wood, and gave me a place to sleep if I taught his son. Maths, Reading, Writing... I got a letter of my little student earlier this year actually. I-" All of a sudden Vocans started to loom into view. "Ah," Gregor said as they started to get to the front door. "I guess we should say goodnight here then. We don't want to make too much noise while sneaking back in after curfew."

"We live on the same corridor..." Myra pointed out.

"But these halls echo." Gregor said. "...ah what the heck, let's chance it." He opened the doors, which creaked loudly. Myra followed him in, trying desperately to make as little noise as possible as Gregor infused Gale. They made their way down the corridor.

It seemed that they had gotten away with it. Myra sighed as they reached the commoners quarters.

"Thank you for accompanying me to Corcillium Myra." Gregor said as they reached their dorms. "It was a pleasure eating ice cream and browsing books with you. I only apologise that my tattoo took so long, at least the axe didn't." He said, as he patted the holstered weapon.

"Thank you for inviting me." Myra replied, taking the full weight of her bag once more. "I needed to get away for a bit." She felt her worry over the events of the past few days return.

"Hey. I don't know what is bothering you." Though I can make a few guesses, he thought privately, "The girl I met today. She was beautiful, intelligent and talented. And she is more than capable of overcoming it." Gregor hugged her before moving away. "Goodnight." He called as he entered his own room, careful not to disturb his dorm mate.

Myra stood a little shocked by the interaction. It took her a moment to shake herself from her melancholy and then a few more to process the compliment. She wasn't sure what to make of it but she still smiled slightly as she walked back to her own room and got into bed. She didn't have long before breakfast, but found that she still couldn't sleep. That's why I brought so many books I suppose, she mused as she curled up with one.

The next morning came too quickly as far as she was concerned, and as she left her room to go for breakfast she saw a number of cadets walking around as if they too hadn't slept.

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