Shame of it All

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I never really thought about it before, maybe because I consider it apart of the norm. Black families will accept a pedophile before they accept a gay son. For a pedophile(male or female) they got all the excuses.

"Oh he was just attracted to younger women."

"If her ass would've stopped being so damn fast."

"All young boys want older women. He was ready for some of that wet and sticky."

"Don't be bringing up old stuff in this house."

"If you weren't trying to show out and act grown it wouldn't have happened."

A couple of days later its swept under the rug, never to be brought up again. In the case that it is brought up, its presented not to be a big deal. That infamous slave mentality is A killer in the way that the black community thinks. They like to protect the abuser versus the abused.

A faggot for a son? Hell no, you're a disgrace. An abomination to the whole family. You're associated with being pathetic and weak, a punk. The whole damn family is ready to whoop your ass and disown you. Don't let them be religious, they'll send your ass to one of those camps to exercise out the gay. I'm speaking from my own experience here.

Never mind the perverts that they let in the house. The ones when they know they're coming they make their daughters change clothes. The ones that had probably already abused another family member and had suffered no consequences.

Women aren't exempt from being predators either. It is not okay for a young boy in elementary/middle/high school to be fucking on a woman his mother's age!

It is not okay for the babysitter to be teaching your son how to eat pussy.

It is not okay for your child to know how to have sex before knowing how to count money or memorize their social security number.

Yes, I am a black man from Columbia, South Carolina. Yes, I'm a black gay man.

Yes, my father was present in my life growing up. No, I didn't grow up around a lot of women. In fact I have seven brothers from my dad and only one sister. Four out of those seven brothers are my full blood brothers. Lastly, no, my mother was not a single parent. Beside my dad lived right across the street up until I was like fourteen.

I know I can't speak for every gay black man in America, but I just wanna shed light on what really goes on. The stories you don't hear about, and the ones that you do. The things that happen inside of a house when the doors are locked and the curtains are drawn. It's when the secrets come out to play. The truths we fear, but the lies we keep.

Now why did I make the comment earlier about child molesters being accepted in a black family before my gay ass was? My mother still acts like she never gave birth to me, all the while still being married to her husband. I can't stand either one of them. Its something that split the family apart and they still won't admit the truth.

Let's take a trip down memory's yellow brick road.

I was years old when it started.

I got off the school bus happy as any seven year old could be that started their thanksgiving break. My mother had gave my older brothers Tyree and Deshawn permission to go over my friends house so they had got off two stops before home.

So walking home it was just me and my twin brother, Eric. Almost halfway there he stops.

Eric and I have always been close. From sleeping in each other's arms, to sleeping in the same twin bed until Momma got us bunk beds.

"Jamal invited us over to play his Sega. We're playing Tomb Raider, and Ms. Tammy is cooking pizza rolls.", Eric told me.

Jamal and us have been like the three musketeers since kindergarten. He like the others were fascinated that Eric and I shared the same face, but he was the only one that bothered figuring out the difference.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2023 ⏰

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