Someone Worth Saving

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Title: Someone Worth Saving

Summary: Therion overhears someone talking about an apothecary at the tavern. An apothecary that was feisty. An apothecary that they trapped. He knew immediately who they were talking about. And that infuriated him...

Pairings: Therion/Alfyn

Warnings: Mild violence, Therion being a badass

AN: Ah, my first foray into OT fanfiction and it's a GiD. Not surprising, honestly. And I may have gotten a bit carried away with this. Just a little. Also, honestly, it's a bit self-indulgent. I just really wanted to write Therion essentially losing his shit and saving Alfyn. Can you really blame me? That said, this is my first attempt at OT fanfiction, so go easy on me? And I hope you enjoy reading~


After promising the each of their travelling companions that they would return to the inn before midnight, everyone turned to go their separate ways. It was something they always did upon entering a new town or village. Spread out, do their own thing for the first day, and then figure out what they needed to do together on the second.

As he ensured that his back was safely set upon his shoulder, Alfyn turned to look at the man who was coincidentally heading in the same direction as he. "So, Therion, what you got planned for the day?"

Therion shrugged. "The usual."

The usual meant picking the pockets of the rich or, as more often the case, the really annoying. It depended on what mood Therion was in. Honestly, Alfyn wasn't overly fond of the fact that Therion would attempt to pick the pocket of nearly everyone they met, even those he tried to help! But Therion would always bribe him with herbs and nuts that he supposedly found.

Therion knows how to butter him up, that's for sure!

"We'll meet at the tavern like we usually do?" Alfyn asked, though he was fairly certain he knew the answer.

"Sure," Therion replied simply as he turned to head down a back alleyway.

Yup, he was right.

"Well then, I promise to be there before the sun goes down, so you had better be there, too!" Alfyn said cheerfully as he hurried down another but stilled to wav an arm in the air.

Even from this distance, he could see Therion snort and roll his eyes. But he didn't immediately protest, so that meant he was in agreement. Therion's way of communication was very on the non-verbal side of things, but Alfyn was observant. He had worked out most of his travelling partner's quirks. Not all, mind. There's still a lot of mystery to Therion. And that was fine. If Therion wanted him to know, he'd let him know in his own time.

No sense in prying.

"Oh, pardon me, good sir."

Startled by the unfamiliar voice, Alfyn immediately stopped in his tracks. He looked to his right to find a man who looked to be in his mid-thirties. Brown hair that was slightly dishevelled, and his face was rather drawn and pale. He nervously twisted a blue cap in his hands as he looked expectantly at him.

"I can't help but notice your knapsack. Are you an apothecary?" he asked.

Alfyn smiled brightly and nodded his head. "That's right. What can I do for you?"

The man's shoulders seemed to sag with relief. He, however, tensed a second later and drew in a slow breath. "It's my son," he finally said. "A fever with a rash. Medicine isn't working. I'm at my wit's end. I know you must be busy, but could you-?"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2018 ⏰

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