the loop

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the loop

maeve kingsley

People describe Hell as a big, fiery pit of pain. An unbearable, black dungeon with every fear and terror locked up, waiting for someone to stumble in for the purity of terrible pain. And, as true as that may be, I believe something much different. I picture Hell as a personal pain, instead of just the black dungeon of death. For some it may be so, but for others, it could be a place that held horror in their time of life. My personal Hell is a man-made world, empty, bar a few buildings and some machines that allow people oxygen. My personal Hell is The Loop.

For those of you who don't know what The Loop is, sit tight, because I'm about to give you a history lesson. Years ago, after World War III, scientists made a breakthrough in...some sort of sciencey thing. I don't remember what it's called, something long. Anyways, scientists came up with the ability to create a new world. Now, before you go asking questions, let me tell you this: Earth is dying. It's slowly withering away into nothing, due to the excessive amounts of energy militaries have overused for their new weapons. So, when the option of a new world opened up, there wasn't any second guesses, or oppositions. What was created, however, was not what they believed it would be. The new world, disgustingly named World Zero, was completely barren - no water, no air, no life. Simply dirt on the ground and a grey sky. Sounds pleasant, doesn't it?

A few years after 'the creation', these same idiotic geniuses invented machines to produce oxygen on World Zero, and a system to where they could send things through. Like water, or food, or people for example. At first, as previously stated above, people wanted this world to be the new Earth. Soon it became clear, though, that this World Zero couldn't support a growing lifestyle. The idea was trashed, until years later. Some military dipshit brought up the idea for World Zero to be a prison for war criminals and terrorists. A phenomenal idea that circulated in the government, and was quickly acted upon. Buildings were built and criminals were moved in. Eventually, the new 'natives' began calling it The Loop, although not a lot of people knew why. Perhaps the never-ending barren exterior inspired some dismal poetry.

Now, you may be thinking, why is the wonderful, beautiful, hilarious Maeve Kingsley claiming this Loop as her personal hell? Well, it may be because I'm one of the unlucky bastards who live there. I am, as the government call them, a war criminal, which I think is a harsh word. Just because I sold out America's military doesn't mean I'm in the same boat as Adolf Hitler. Our crimes are much different. Yet, my fate has been decided. I live in the Loop, in what an Earthling would call an apartment, albeit it being wretchedly small and horribly coloured. My roommates are similar to me, not quite world-dominating foes, but better than petty thieves. Don't underestimate us, though, because together, we will overthrow the system and the government and get ourselves to freedom.

I wish. We could barely come to an agreement on what limited, exceptionally bland food items we get for the month. Besides, there's no way out of the Loop that's not heavily guarded with immediate access to our oxygen in the hands of whatever colonel or major is in charge. Not that I've tried. I've only heard stories. No, this little tale isn't about our daring escape, our rebellion against dictation, or joining forces to save the Earth from a purple dude in a chair with a pretty glove. This is me, Maeve Kingsley, trying to get word out to the batch of "Loop-ans" that come when we're not there to warn them. Earthlings aren't afraid of the dark, they're afraid of what's hidden in the dark. But on Earth, there's nothing to worry about. No, no ghosts or ghouls or creepy crawling things to grab your ankles when your feet hang over the bed. But, in the Loop, there is something in the dark. And, I've heard it's not pretty, either.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2019 ⏰

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