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She stared into the night sky, cigarette in hand, cursing the world.

"There must be a higher purpose for me than living day to day." She thought to herself. With the inability to sleep she'd brought herself to take a stroll to her favorite spot on a hillside a few blocks from her home to watch the stars. She took another drag of her cigarette and released it into the warm night's air. She'd never thought she would make it this far in her life, but she did. And now she was stuck in an internal struggle. Why was she still on this earth? What kept her here? She had so many regrets concerning things she should have done instead of waiting for the will to die to take over her.

As she went for another drag of her cigarette she was started by the sound of footsteps so closely behind her. She whipped around only to see no one.


She whirled around again as the voice came from behind her and was met once more with the sight of no one. Not even a vehicle on the road she stood on the side of. Not that she expected any. It was around three am on a Thursday night.


She turned once more but this time was greeted by the sight of a man in a black suit and skull paint with mismatched eyes that seemed to glow despite being directly under a street lamp. He had incredible posture with his hands back. To her surprise he held no expression of inquiry as to why she was where she was at this time of night, but more of an expression of disapproval. She had never seen this man before but for some reason she had no urge to bolt or feeling of fear.

"Isn't it past your bed time, Dear?", the man spoke with a slight Italian accent.

"I think I'm a little old for a bed time, don't you think?", Danika smirked. The man smirked and extended his hand as he spoke. "No matter your age, dear, it isn't the best time for a lady to walk the streets. May I do the honor of walking you home? I don't wish to alarm you, but there are some not so nice men around who wish to do you harm."

"And what indication do I have that you aren't one of those men. You are dressed for the part." Danika tossed her burnt out cigarette onto the ground but did not take the strange man's hand. The strange man chuckled as he lowered his hand. "Danika if I wished to harm you I would have already, and you wouldn't see it coming. Now please, let me walk you home." He turned to the direction of her home and began to walk slowly. Danika followed, unsure of how this man knew her name and even the direction of where she lived... and why she was not afraid of him.

Their walk proceeded silently for a couple of blocks. The man took every correct turn with absolutely no prompt from her, like he was walking to his own home out of habit. Danika had made sure to walk a few steps behind him to ensure she had no effect on which direction he took. Who was he? Why was he so set on making sure she got home? She hadn't heard anyone around in the dead silence while she was on the hillside, so she couldn't figure out how she was in any danger. She was pulled from her thoughts when the man suddenly turned into an alley forcing Danika to stop. "This is a wrong turn", she thought.

"I'm sorry to startle you, my dear, but it seems someone is following us. I'd appreciate if you would follow me, despite the detour, without hesitation."

Danika realized the man hadn't spoken at all. At least not out loud. She then realized she'd heard his voice in her head and that he was looking back at her. His face was stern, as if the situation was of utmost importance and her life depended on his request. Now she felt afraid. She'd never had much f a will to live, but apparently it was there at that particular moment. She closed the distance between herself and the man as he began to walk once more.

They weaved silently between streets and alleys for what it seemed like 100 city blocks. Even through areas she had never herself travelled. Something was off. The warm air seemed heavier than just humidity and at times she felt it difficult to breath. As they turned into another alley, Danika began to feel light headed. Her limbs began to tingle suddenly, and she felt overwhelmingly top heavy. As if the man could sense this, he stopped and turned with enough time to catch Danika as she lost her footing and fell.

"Keep your eyes open, Dear, you can't let them have you. We have to move.", The man's voice shook with urgency.

Danika fought to breathe and keep her eyes open. Her eyes. They burned as if they had smoke in them. The urgency in the man's voice gave her the will to stand. She flailed out of his grasp and began forward as if she were walking for the first time. The man took her hand and guided her as they began to run. The air felt like mud around them, their eyes burning, but they continued. Weaving through streets and alleys like before.

"I'm sorry, my dear, but it seems we can not lose them.", the man proclaimed as they ran into an industrial area, "I will have to take you out of this world, but you have to consent. May I take you to my world?"

Danika could hardly breathe between the thick air and the lack of cardiovascular training she regretted. As they ran into a well-lit municipality yard, Danika could see a dark smoke begin to surround them.

"Danika, You need to answer me. May I take you to my world?", the man repeated still in full stride.

The dark smoke was beginning to close in on them at an alarming rate and they were headed straight towards a brick wall with no escape in sight. "Yes.", Danika choked. The dark smoke began to hiss and grab at them. "Say it louder. I need it to be clear!" the man exclaimed. The wall was only a few feet away and the smoke was closing in. With one last breath and every remaining ounce of energy she had, Danika cried out.


She closed her eyes and braced herself as they reached the wall, but there was no impact.

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