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Yeah uhhhh I suck at intros. So anyway, as y'all can see this book is specifically about aromantics and asexuals.

I, myself, am an aro-ace (If I wasn't aro I'd probably be bi). I only found out like some days ago, so I'm new to this shit. It's weird to figure out your sexuality but I'm happy to know that I'm normal

I hope that this book can bring you comfort somehow?

Anyway, I haven't come out of the closet yet so that means almost no one knows that I'm an aro-ace but one person and that person is my best friend who I also see as a sister. But tbh I'm not rlly planning on telling anyone (no one's really going to understand me). And there isn't anyone I know in rl that reads my books but my best friend so I'm safe.

Anyway, enough about me.

ENJOY! :-)

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