The Maidens and their abilities

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Ares: Invulnerability/ very difficult to harm.

Taurus: Seismic power/ can create earthquakes

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Taurus: Seismic power/ can create earthquakes.

Gemini: Molecular dissipation/ can make things vanish into thin air and absorb it's energy

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Gemini: Molecular dissipation/ can make things vanish into thin air and absorb it's energy.

Gemini: Molecular dissipation/ can make things vanish into thin air and absorb it's energy

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Cancer: Summoning/ can summon animals and creatures for assistance.

Leo: Probably manipulation/ alter the outcomes and probability of something

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Leo: Probably manipulation/ alter the outcomes and probability of something.

Virgo: Banishing/ can send a person somwhere else

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Virgo: Banishing/ can send a person somwhere else.

Libra: Omnilingualism/ can understand any language, human or creature

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Libra: Omnilingualism/ can understand any language, human or creature.

Scorpio: Possession/ can temporarily control the mind and body of another person/ Creature

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Scorpio: Possession/ can temporarily control the mind and body of another person/ Creature.

Scorpio: Possession/ can temporarily control the mind and body of another person/ Creature

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Sagittarius: Molecular combustion/ can blow things up.

Capricorn: Grim reaping/ can kill or mortality wound someone

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Capricorn: Grim reaping/ can kill or mortality wound someone.

Capricorn: Grim reaping/ can kill or mortality wound someone

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Aquarius: Phasing/ can pass through solid objects.

Pisces: Reality warping/ can change and mold reality itself

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Pisces: Reality warping/ can change and mold reality itself.

Pisces: Reality warping/ can change and mold reality itself

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