We are going overseas to Europe

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You was watching TV you was watching BET I was watching Big Momma's House 2 it was 10:52Pm Aug was in the kitchen making us some food then you turned on some music he was singing NSYNC tearin up my heart

Tearin' up my heart and soul
We're apart I feel it too And no matter what I do, I feel the pain With or without you Then Aug came out from the kitchen he sang along with you Tearin' up my heart and soul (Aug) (alright) We're apart I feel it too (Aug) (I feel it too) (You and Aug sang along) And no matter what I do, I feel the pain With or without you

You kiss August on the cheek Hey baby what are you cooking you asked Aug meatloaf green beans mashed potatoes smothered in gravy Aug said ooouuu that sounds so good I can't wait to eat it you said Just call chef Aug Aug said you just laughed Babybeh the food is ready come eat Aug said coming you said Aug grab your plate and said it in front of you you was about to eat but Aug slapped ya hand SAY Grace first you know betta then that oh my bad boo you said y'all grab that each other's hand and bowed y'all heads thank you Heavenly Father for this food thank you for bring my special Baybeh into my life and thank for my family amen Aug said Thank you for bring August into my life cuz Idk where I would be without him he holds a very special place in my heart I LOVE YOU so much Aug you said with tears rolling down your face I luh you no Babybeh plz stop crying befo you make me cry Aug said handing you a tissue thank you baby Amen you said y'all was eating Baby you wanna come on this trip with me to Europe you said FUCK yea Babybeh I would luh to come with you come here baybeh Aug said you put your fork down ok wuz up baby August picked up and put ypu on the counter baby what are He-Aug stated Kissin and suckin on ya neck you bit ya lip I just walked over to the refrigerator and pulled out the whip cream he put some whip cream on ya neck ummmmm you moaned strip Aug said you take ya shirt and bra then then ya pants then ya panties Aug Port the whip cream on you he make it whip cream bikini he licked off the top half then his tongue traveled down to ya vagina then ya phone rang Aug kept doing what he was doing then your phone ringing you Huffed let me get this you said August smack his lips ok babybeh but hurry up Aug said ok baby you said you picked up the phone hello you said hey princess are you still coming to Europe guy on the phone said YES daddy I'm still coming you said Are you ok princess ya dad said Yes dad I'm ok I want you to meet somebody very special to me you said say what meet who it better not be no boy cuz when I sent you down there to stay with yo mother I wanted you to stay focus on school not no boys ya dad said but dad I been living with mom since I was 9 I am 24 years old I wasn't-I don't care what did I say said OMG DAD You are acting like I'm just going Buckwild and I'm not and I am not a child anymore I'm not a kid anymore so don't talk to me like I'm one you said listen to me young lady I'm booking you a flight back home ya dad said no you're not because I am a grown woman and I can do what I want you can't tell me what to do anymore I'm not a little kid anymore You hang up the phone DAMN MAN HE IS SO ANNOYING you yelled Aug came upstairs and said what's wrong baybeh My dad he-I told him that I wanted him to meet you he started going Loco crazy on me talkin about it better not be about no boy and bunch of other stuff that I don't want to talk about right now baybeh just call him the morning Aug said oh yeah it slipped my mind but my dad lives in Europe and I wanted him to meet you but he's being a turd and he's been treating me like a little kid and it's annoying Baybeh let's just go to sleep we can pack when we wake up Aug said ok baby y'all woke up the next morning and packed y'all stuff I'm so excited you said aye Baybeh reach me my shades Aug said YEAH baby I got ya you said you ready to go baybeh Aug said yes I been ready you said August grab the keys off the counter you walked out the door first he locked the door and came to the truck you wanna know something you said what Aug said I have not been back to Europe since I was 9 years old it's going to be weird going back there but I'm ready ready to see my friends and some of my family you said y'all get to Europe at the hotel hey bae I want you to come with me to meet my auntie and dad you said I don't know about that baybeh Aug said what why not you said remember what you said you said yo dad went off on you Aug said I know he may have cooled off now bae plz come with you begged him ok I'll come but if he disrespect me it's not gonna be pretty Aug said You ready bae you said Yea Babybeh I'm ready let's go you divin Aug said why me you said I don't know my way around here Aug said I don't either you said will call Uber Aug said ok you said you called The Uber the Uber was there within 30 minutes y'all arrive at your dad's house you knock on the door and the lady answered the door Hi my you must be MYSTIC nice to meet you my name is fancy I am your father's fiancee come in have a seat fiancee you and Aug said at the same time I didn't know my dad got married how long have y'all been married you said for 4 years Fancy said and who is that fine young gentleman behind you this is my boyfriend August Alsina nice to meet you August Fancy said nice to meet you fancy y'all can put y'all stuff up upstairs Fancy said we're staying at a hotel we didn't bring our stuff you said ah your dad's not going to be too happy about this but I know but I'm-you was cut off sorry to cut you off I I know you're grown and everything in on your own and tried to tell your dad the same thing but he doesn't listen to nobody Fancy said Its ok we well staying one night just to make him happy you said

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