Every human in the world has their own strength ang weaknesses, that's what I don't believed.
Each of us encountered such difficulties and trials.
There are some that are still carrying the scar of the past in the future.
I supposed to hate someone. My dad.
I mean, I can't blame him but I just can't help myself but to get mad.
We always had arguments, we like that, both of us.
I mean, its our routine. If we don't fight, we are not the so-called son&dad.
I began to hate people around me. I considered myself as a holder of my own life and no one can teach me what to do and what's not. That's what I thought.
I'm so cruel.
So rude.
So sadist.
A manipulator.
And a talkback'er.
I mean, I was born in that way, I guess.
I contradict the face of the world. And created my own world.
And then I met HER.
I tried to be rude to her. But she's worse.
I played with her. But she defeated me.
I hurt her. She tortured me.
I talkback to her. She's very talkactive and knows what to say.
I mean, I lost myself.