Day 1

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"No, Tae, i'm okay. I'm coming home now." I spoke to Taehyung, my brother. "Yes, I know, I have his medicine." I sighed, "I'm coming as fast as I can, I only have my two legs." I hung up, not wanting to hear anymore from my paranoid sibling.

I walked into the alleyway for a shortcut path. I walk down the alley until I hear footsteps. I stop walking and turn around, seeing no one. I walk faster this time, only hearing the footsteps again. I turn around this time and still I see no one.

I was getting anxious so I quickly started running. I heard a man behind me and then a gunshot. After that, everything happened so fast. I see the same person come up to me, I was too weak to do anything. He felt around me to find some kind of valuables or something.

I looked at him the same time he looked at me. "Park Jimin?" And with that came darkness.


"Man shot by unknown person in an alleyway. 22 year old Park Jimin, was found in an alleyway by a man who wishes to stay unknown. If you are family with Jimin, or live with him, please come see him."

The tv told lies again, my Jimin couldn't be shot. He's my brother, he's a nice man, who would want to shoot him? I gathered up the courage to look at the screen and sure enough there was my brother's face. I screamed for Jihyun, his 4 year old son, and put on my shoes. I carried Jihyun, because the poor boy was sick.

"Where goin?" He asked. "To see your appa." I said to him. "Appa!" He yelled and smiled. I smile at him and put him in the car. We drive to the hospital to see him.


I had ended up carrying my victim to the hospital. He was my ex-boyfriend, Park fucking Jimin.


"Jimin, I'm sorry love." I have committed the worst crime a lover can do, I had cheated on him with his best friend, Jung Hoseok. "How could you? What about Jihyun?" I was a father of a 2 year old. "5 years, 5 years wasted on you. I can't believe it." More tears run down his face. "Jimin, baby, I'm sorry." He wipes his tears and grabs Jihyun's hand. "Goodbye, Yoongi, I- We're done."

That's when my child and his other father walked out of my life. I screamed and cried, waiting for Jimin to say it was a joke. But it wasn't, and I knew that.

Flashback end

Looking at him sitting there, in a coma made me want to throw up. I start crying, and of course that's when someone came in. Kim Taehyung, Jimin's so-called brother. I only found out about him through social media. I looked at the sleeping child in his arms.

Is that Jihyun? It couldn't be, that boy in his arms is too big to be my Jihyun. "Oh, um, hello! Are you the one who found my hyung?" I nodded and smiled at him. Taehyung looked over to Jimin, worried and afraid. "Is he okay?" I shook my head, "He's in a coma."

"Oh no, Jihyunnie, wake up." Taehyung said, nudging the sleeping boy. "Appa?" Taehyung laughs, "No, baby, it's Tae. But appa is here." Jihyun jumped off of Taehyung's lap.

"Appa?" Taehyung pointed to Jimin's bed. "Appa sleeping?" Taehyung nodded. While watching this, I wondered if this was actually Jimin's boyfriend. "Hey! Are you his boyfriend?" Taehyung looked disgusted. "No, I couldn't possibly deal with that, I can deal with his child, but those two combined equal 50 children." I chuckled at this because it was completely true.

"And how old is his child?" I asked him. "Jihyun? He's four. By the way, what's your name?"

"I'm Min Yoongi."

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