Shockingly, A Tag

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Shockingly, I got a tag. Which makes me really scared, anxious, and happy at the same time! Thank you, Rad_Lez-LIE

Hoo boy, i got no experience in this. Well.. The rules are:

1. Mention the person who tagged you.

Hallo there, Rad_Lez-LIE

2. Do it in less than three days.

Wait, let me check my calendar. *checks my marriage certificate that was supposed to be for England*, okie, i guess i can do that.

3. Tell 10 things about you.

Damn, I'm the definition of: boring. Well, ok i'll make sure i got my counting mind on.

(•1) I'm trash.
(•2) I've never eaten anything dry or fried without ketchup or mayonnaise.
(•4) I've created 15 books already about hetalia but my confidence doesnt kno if i should publish it.
(•5) I am from the southeast asia
(•6) and I admit I love rice.

well, i love every food anyways.
(•7) I love memes but if you yell "YEET" at my ears, i will incinerate you.
(•8) I once injured myself cause i accidentally stabbed a toothbrush on my eye (wish it aint a joke)
(•9) I love hamilton so don't be surprised if i make a cringy story abt them

4. Tag 28 people

I don't even follow a lot, but i will tag some people who i think are cool.





5. Give the tag a title.

I don't know what that means, but ok.

6. Tell a joke

What did the baby corn said to her mommy corn

"Where is popcorn?"

(pls don't ask how babies can alrdy talk cause a corn talking is more strange than a baby speaking proper english)

7. Give a spoiler to your story

Well, I don't know which stories, cause I'm thinking of publishing some Magic Trio X Reader-- oh shoot. Ok, I'll just give the spoiler in my hetalia one: Reader will die.

Jk, but Reader will not be able to please someone and will have a love-hate relationship with them. The hate part will be 90 percent of their relationship, but they'll soon b-- (that's double spoilers, Miran!)

8. Mention these rules.

Awww do i need to? Well, i guess i already did. Anyone can do this btw, i didn't know this was fun hahaha! And thank you for the tags again. I would love to do it again.

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