The Blind

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White was the smoke from the Hogwarts Express. Black was the corner of platform 9 3/4. And everything was black and white.

At least that's how it was supposed to be. Or they have just lied to the little boy all his life. Perhaps he is sick and his parents have made up an answers for his questions. But if they spoke the truth, then when his eyes meet his other half's the world would gain it's colors.

Sirius Orion Black hasn't given up on finding his significant other. But right now he was on his way to his first year at Hogwarts. And he was quite excited for it.

Suddenly the door slid open and a boy entered, putting an end to Sirius' thoughts. "I can sit here with you right?" The boy questioned. His black hair was everywhere, making it even harder for him to see through his glasses. But Sirius liked that. He nodded.

Time passed. Words passed in between them. And soon enough a new friendship was built.

But their sweet talk was interrupted by a red headed girl entering in. Tears were sliding down  her cheeks so none of the boys said anything when she sat down beside the window.

Sirius and James were able only to exchange confused looks before another person entered in. This time it was a boy with long dark hair. "Go away. My sister hates me because of you"the girl said in between sobs. "Lilly please.. forgive me. Look! We are on our way to Hogwarts finally!" The boy tried cheering her up. It was successful.

"Yeah! And when we get in the best house - Slytherin, we'll-"
"Slytherin?" James scoffed "who would want to be a Slytherin? I'll be a Griffindor! What about you Sirius?"
This cought Sirius off guard. "My whole family was in Slytherin" He answered his friend a little bit darker. "And I thought you were cool" his friend joked.

But then the girl rolled her eyes and hold the boy's hand "Come on Severus, let's find a better place to sit. A better pla.." she trailed off as she laid her eyes on James'. Slowly she and the boy walked out.  James was still staring at the wall blankly. Black poked his friend as to bring him back to reality.

The boy turned to him and whispered "You know...the world sure is beautiful"


The sorting has begun. And Sirius knew he was going to be from the first to be sorted in. And he grew even more nervous and scared with ever passed second.

"Black, Sirius" the strict- looking lady with pointed hat said. The boy didn't have any other chance than to face his own fear. He felt as the Sorting hat was placed on top of his head.
"Ah, another Black I see" he heard a tiny voice whisper in his ears " but you are not like the rest, are you Mr. Black? Yes, yes I can see that. You have everything needed to be a Slytherin, but your heart desires otherwise?" Sirius' heart skipped a beat. Was he really going to break the tradition? "You are quite brave to go against everything, aren't you? Then let it be...GRIFFINDOR!"

This seemed like a dream came true. A Griffindor. Him. Sirius Orion Black is a Griffindor! Happier than ever he walked over to the table full of clapping students. He sat on the first empty place he saw, making sure to keep a seat for his friend.

He felt a light tap on his shoulder. As he turned around to look at the boy with amber eyes sitting next to him. He stopped. His brain went blank. Amber eyes. They were so beautiful. Very very slowly the boy's hair started becoming a shade of dirty blonde. His little nose grew red as so did his cheeks. He seemed to be cold. But then Sirius' eyes moved onto the boy's lips. They were in a soft shade of pink. And he was speaking. The pretty boy was speaking and Sirius wasn't listening.

" I was wondering if we could be friends?" The boy finished. Sirius shook his head "sorry, what was your name again?" He thought that this question might hurt the boy, but he just smiled. "Remus Lupin" such a beautiful name. Sirius got a little bit closer.

"Remus, don't you see it?"

"See what?"

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