Hanks vacation (connor X reader) [smut]

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"Hank where are you going!?" The android said standing from the alcohol covered couch.

"Vacation I need it..." hank scoffed. Connor stood there watching his best friend, his father pack up his things to leave "I'm coming with you!" Connor said walking to hank

"No you are staying here they have put you on a new case, trust me I tried to get you to come they wouldn't have it...." the still hung over man said "but I-"
"No connor stay and that's an order you here me." He picked up his bag and looked at the young man standing in front of him "someone from the office will come to get you in a hour also watch sumo for me, I'll be back next week okay bud"

"Yes sir..." Connor puffed out his bottom lip huffing. Hank walked out the door waving his hand in the air as if to say bye to Connor.

~hours later~

"Sumo I thought someone was coming to get me from the office in a hour, ITS BEEN 5!!" He grumbled to himself as the door bell rang out through the house "They are here!! About time" he sat up from laying on the floor and answered the door but then slamming it in the face of a detective

"Come on ya piece of plastic let me in!" Gavin sighed knocking now as nicely as possible "no hank knows I dislike you why would he send you!?
"I don't like this anymore then you do okay the office made me come and get you okay Connor just open the damn door you have a case I have to brief you on" he was begging now and Connor opened the door not saying a word to the detective and walked to his car getting in his halo flashing red. "See that wasn't hard." Gavin said to himself rolling his eyes. He got into the car as well

"Here" he said slamming a folder into Connor "it's the case it also has your new partner in it, just going to warn you she's a hand full at times and don't fall for her, I know your all " deviant" and shit now so you have "feelings" but this mission needs to fall through without a hitch that's why we have had you stay and hank leave. I know she will be different then hank but trust me they are alike in several ways." Gavin started the car and pulled out the driveway driving to the new girls house

~at the house~

"Alright you got the mission? Or what?" Gavin asked and Connor nodded "we are taking out a senator...why may I ask...?"
"He's been caught giving out sensitive information to private party's and we need him alive to get the information out of him."
"Fine let's go, I don't see why hank and I couldn't do this." Connor hissed at Gavin
"You'll see soon enough kid"

They both walked up to the house and knocked on the door "y/n Anderson!? It's Gavin open the door!" Connor was puzzled 'Anderson?' He thought "come on open the damn door I know your in there!" Gavin sighed "com on let's walk around back. The two of them headed to the back yard of the already big house but it had a even bigger barn behind it "Y/N!!!" Gavin yelled out over the very loud music playing in the barn.
The music turned down and a girl looked through the window "oh it's you again...why do I get the joy of seeing both of you 2 times in a month" she said and Connor through for a second "miss I've never meet you before now!" He called out "Connor the last time you got shot. We sent you to her...she fixed you and made you deviant and Hanks requests" Gavin said with a smirk on his face.

The girl walked out the sliding doors, she looked like she lived in a junk yard covered in oil and muck "sorry I've need working on cars all day unlike some people I don't get a cozy office space with A/C" she hissed at Gavin "hi Connor it's nice to see you again and to not have to fix you" sh held out her oiled hand "come on I wouldn't bite~ well not hard~"
Connor blushed brightly staring and her "damnit Y/N your ganna short Circuit him" Gavin rolled his eyes "well imma leave y'all to it have fun Connor"
Connor couldn't respond he was frozen, he had never had someone say something that provocative to him before.
"Now that, that ass hole is gone. I'm going back to work make yourself at home you'll be staying here till my fa-" sh stopped herself "till hank gets back home..."
she threw him a set of spare keys with a soft sigh "there is a dog inside don't step on it please"
The android was still trying to process what she was going to say, catching the keys the young man nodded walking into the home of this girl.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2018 ⏰

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