30: I belong to you.

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The morning rays of sunlight glared at Hanan through the unveiled window. She crunched her eyes, draping the coverlet over her face. Suddenly, she felt a body slouch on the bed next to her and before she knew it, the person pulled down the coverlet, baring her face.

"What on earth is wrong with you Muhsin? Let me sleep." She grumbled, whirling to the other side.

She felt a light pat on her butt and she feared this time around she might kill Muhsin for that. "Ke banasan shashancin banza. Bacci kikazo yi daman? (Did you come here to sleep) Oya oya, get up." Maama's voice ambushed into her eardrums.

She moved her body restlessly on the purple canopied bed before she lazily sat up with her mouth elevated in a small pout and her eyes shut "Maama" She whined, opening her eyes. For a moment, she forgot she was at the Shafiq's.

"Oh Allah, Hanan I never asked you to get all lovey-dovey last night. Janan told me you were on phone with Muhsin until after midnight. If you knew you were coming here to sleep, you should have stayed at home." Maama said, her face gleaming with happiness.

Hanan buried her face in her hands for a second before she looked back at Maama. "Maama dan Allah babu ruwanki idan na riqe Janan (Maama please don't talk when I catch Janan) She is such a blabbermouth. And Maama, you've been feeling over the moon since I visited. I mean, just look at that smile." Hanan giggled, and the small smile on Maama's face grew wider.

"Nahh girl, this smile is because I am welcoming Hanifa as my son's wife."

"Argh, Maama please no. Not you too. Why is Hanifa doing this to me? First it was Ya Sameer and now you. Oh that windbag better not try taking my place."

Maama laughed at that, then rose to her feet. "You are such a drama queen. I almost forgot why I am here, Muhsin is waiting for you at the mini parlor. He said you forgot your uhm..." She paused for a second. "Your whatever, I can't remember. So get your lazy ass off this bed, freshen up and meet him down there. And yes, before I forget, Hajiya and the rest of the family will soon be here. Please make sure Larai cleans the guest room." She ordered, taking some steps away from the bed.

Hanan scrunched her eyes, putting her legs down on the floor. She couldn't remember forgetting anything nor asking Muhsin to bring anything. "Did I forget something?" She asked herself, but was loud enough for Maama to hear which earned her a deathly glare.

"Ki zauna ki cigaba da tambayana (sit down and keep asking me)" Maama shook her head, then moseyed out of the room without giving Hanan another glance.

Hanan let out a chuckle, oh how she missed Maama's drama. Because when it comes to being dramatic, African parents no dey carry last.

She freshened up in a jiffy, draped a long hijab on her coral PJs, then sauntered down to the mini parlor. Muhsin was sipping on a steamy cup of tea when she entered. He was so engrossed in the news he was watching on the huge television in front of him that he didn't even hear her salaam.

She tiptoed to his back, his musk breezing into her nostrils, then covered his eyes with her hands. She felt the corners of his lips elevate and his left hand moved to hers. He gripped the hand, dragged it slowly down to his lips before he planted a soft kiss on it.

"Do you normally do that to any hand that comes in contact with your face?" Hanan bit her lower lip to squelch a laughter. She gently pulled her hand out of Muhsin's grip and advanced to the couch beside his. "I mean what if it was Maama or Janan?" She raised a brow at him.

He was clad in black caftan with golden embroidery around the neck and the end of the sleeves. His head was adorned with a gold and black 'zanna bukar' that fitted perfectly, revealing his curly ebony hair at the lower part of his head. His left hand was embellished with an apple wristwatch and oh Allah, his inky sideburns blended flawlessly with his light complexion.

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