Chapter 1

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So don't get me started on how excited I am to write this story man! Enjoy while your at it




Danke bye <3



Waking up on a terrible school morning is the best thing isn't it? Well to be honest it isn't as bad as my other ways to wake up. I sighed,well looks like I should just change.After all it's not like anyone is going to notice the clothes I'm wearing. I got up from my very uncomfortable bed,feels like im sleeping on a rock every time. I just grabbed an Avenged Sevenfold shirt along with some black skinny jeans.I put on a grey beanie and grab myself some Vans.Well I look pretty decent today,except for the fact that my hair is kinda messy but who cares.

I grab my backpack and walk out of the room,then I saw my little brother Mike jumping happily in the kitchen."Wow nows not the time to jump around we got school to attend to"I say,giggling at the way he was jumping."Fine come on let's go"We walk outside of the house and jump right into the car which Mike loves to drive."Dibs!"he yells quickly getting into the drivers seat."Yea yea just put some music while your at it"He just nodded turning on the radio.

"So Vic are you okay with the way people talk about you?"I was silent,am I okay with it? Of course not what kind of quiestion is that? "Mike just ignore those people they are just wasting their time"I responded.Finally we have arrived at the place I call hell.

I was about to get out until a guy and a girl bumped into me,"Ouch!"I fell onto ground,rubbing my back."I'm so sorry you okay da?"The boy had a Russian accent in his voice which was pretty attractive."Sorry about him he's just dizzy but hello in Aideen and this is my friend Levi"I saw the girl,she was short and had wavy black along with brown eyes.

The boys air was jet black up in a quiff,he had a piercing on his lip,one eye was green and the other was blue,and he has a couple of tattoos on his arm.He was attractive...

"Holo you okay da?"I nodded getting up and what I noticed was surprising to me.Mike was looking at Levi like he was the king of beauty."Uh yea I'm fine hello I'm Vic and this is my brother Mike"I smile,shaking Levi's hand.

We talked during the class and we pretty much had a lot in common,I was walking to the cafeteria until I bumped into someone."Hey you okay"I look up and saw the Tony Perry looking down at me with a smile."Y-yea um...bye"I walk away,I hate being this nervous.


I frowned as I saw Vic scurry off,you see I really like Vic but I never had the courage to ask him out.He was so beautiful it made me feel like I'm not good enough to be his boyfriend.I've dated other girls before but i had no spark for them.I sigh and enter my math class,sitting down next to the annoying slut named Ashley. She has been trying to get my attention but sucks for because I'll never date her.

I grabbed my notebook and wrote,'Vic+Tony"In pretty cursive letters."Aw how cute"I swiftly turn and saw a giggling Austin Carlile."Don't get jealous but look"There I saw Vic and some very good looking guy talking.My fist clenched and I was ready to just punch something.

"Okay today I am actually giving you an opurtunity to choose your own partner go on now"Maybe Vic might be my partner. I walk up to the adorable boy and say,"Hey Vic want to be my partner"He looked shocked at first but nodded with a smile on his face.

If only I had enough courage to ask him out...


Hope you guys enjoy it so far tell me what you think if I should continue or whatever

peace <3

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2014 ⏰

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