This book is all about my senior year in school. Every chapter is a day in my senior year. I will go through the events that happen day in and day out not including the weekends. No, I will not be using real names of people so their identity will be...
I get up today and I hear thunder storming and then after that I hear raining. And in my head I'm thinking, "I have a feeling that today is not going to be a good first day." But I don't know that yet so I have high hopes. 😊 So I walk outside and the bus was supposed to be there at 8:10. Tell me why the bus doesn't get there until 8:20.😐 So I don't have time to eat breakfast but that's okay because I had a protein shake so I ain't trippin.😊 First thing I had to do was go to my team's room to get my schedule and listen to what the teacher has to say, even though I'm not really listening.😂 And in my head while I'm sitting in my team room I'm thinking to myself "bitch, I'm really a senior now."🙂 So after team's, I go to my first period and I see that my old geometry teacher is my new math teacher. So I get excited and I'm like this class is going to be a good class, I can already tell. 🤣But skip past first period cuz ain't nothing really exciting happen in that class so far. The bell rings to go to the next class and I realize that I have a class at the tech center. So I'm going towards the bus area to get on a bus, I see the one person that I did NOT want to see at all for the first day. 😑 So in my head I'm like "brrrooooooo 😩 does this mean I'm going to have to see him everyday when I'm going towards the bus." But I shake it off cuz I ain't worried about him.🙄
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My second class is forensic science and I'm so excited because I love forensic science so much and I'm really good at it. So I go into the classroom cuz Bell High School is the first High School to get there and then Trinity High School will get there after Bell. For what reason idk 🤔 So I wait and I'm expecting some cute people from Trinity to walk in. But ain't nobody attractive walk-in so I'm sitting here by my friend like "ugh". 😒
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The class is only 45 minutes so I'm not Trippin because we get to leave class early😋. After the bell rings I get back on the bus and go to towards my main campus. My third class is acapella choir which I've already been in since last year, and it's pretty exciting because now I'm a leader in the choir. And also my best friend is in that class so y'all know that I was hella lit.😋
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