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I tell Larissa what happened back then, 10 minutes ago.
She is just as shocked as I am.

-"That Christian dude is a psych!" she says worried.
"I don't know..." I say.
-"Are you serious? Again? Are you really that naive? Don't let him do that to you!"
"What should I do?"
-"Call the police?"
"I don't think that'll help. He told me that his mom is trying to put him in jail because he was dealing with drugs, but was he ever in jail? No. He knows exactly how to get out of everything."
-"Seriously? You're telling me indirectly that it is dangerous if you even talk to him! Olivia, why?"
"I really don't know. He's got that smile...and those beautiful eyes..."
-"-Ehw. Don't even think about that!! Look at Brick, he's way better!"
"I know...could we just stop talking about them both?"

We just keep on talking about other stuff, we get another drink and walk around a bit.
Larissa knows about that party game thing, she is going to stay too.

At around 12:30am that mike guy was already looking for us. He wants to start with the games, he brings us into something like a chill room. There is nothing else but three couches.
And people.
Around 5 other people.
Brick is there too, but I knew that.

Christian is there too.
I just act like I haven't seen him, Larissa and I just take a seat.
We thought we're the only girls in the room.
Until Magnolia comes in.

Nice. Who invited her?

But I guess we're complete, Mike decided that we are going to play truth or dare first.

It slowly gets really hot in the room so I decide to put out my jacket.
I can see that brick looks at my arm, but just sometimes. Looks like he's getting nervous...but also not.

The round starts, most boys were dared to kiss magnolia - looks like she enjoyed that.
One boy was dared to kiss another, the other one had to call his mum to tell her that he's gay. Seriously? These dumb party games...

It was Christians turn, he had to tell the truth about his drug dealing stuff. He just told them the same as he told me in the car.
And how else could it be, Christian picks me.

-"Olivia, my dear. Truth or dare?" he says.
"I'll choose truth." I answer cold.
-"Tell us a bit about your family. Where's your mom? Your dad?" he says rude.
"...are you serious right now? You know that, does everyone need to just to make you feel better?"
-"Better about what, sweetie?"
"You know what. Alright. My mother died 1-2 months ago, she had cancer and haven't really told me. And my dad...I don't have a dad. Like, I don't know him. My stepdad was beating me like the whole time. U happy now, Christian?"
-"Well, that was easy."

Around me are shocked faces. Even Magnolia was. But I don't want their attention.
Life goes on, I guess... and I don't wanna think about that all right now.

I could see that Larissa is really angry. She knew about my parents and she also knew that I don't really like to talk about it.
So, I choose her.

"Truth or dare?" I smirk.
-"Oh dare for sure." She smirks back.
"I dare you to punch christian." I say.
-"I'd love to."
-"Stop, is that even allowed?" Christian interrupts.
"Oh please. You act like you're strong and everything, so don't cry." I say.

And while I say that, Larry has stood up to punch Christian fully through his face.
The other boys had to hold back their laugh.


But he deserved that.

-"I choose Christian. Truth or dare?" Larry goes on.
"Its I better choose truth." He answers, still holding his cheek. Larrys punch hurt really bad, well, just guessing.
-"Oh, bad choice. You have to tell the truth, not sure if you can do that fully."
"Oh little, I got this"
-"Alright. So, as you can see...Olivia has a bandage on her underarm. Seems like something painful happened, don't you think? I think you would like to tell us a bit about that."
"I don't know what you mean."
-"You have to be honest you little piece of shit!"
"Okay...well. I was at Olivias yesterday night. I should be fully honest so...yeah we just made out. Like, really hard, I slammed her against the wall and I don't know how, but her arm started to hurt. I guess her arm just slammed against her bed or wardrobe or something."
Christian lies, making Brick looking over confused.
-"Stop fucking lying!" Larry yells.

"There's not one drop truth about it. Well, you were at mines last night. But you sneaked in, Christian! We never made out!" I say.
-"I knew you're a bad bitch." Magnolia adds.
I fell myself getting really angry.
"Who the fuck asked for your opinion?" I say.

I feel myself tearing up so I just walk out if the room, out of the house.
I take a seat at the terrace.

I try to calm down and wipe my tears off.
Not even five minutes later, Brick comes out and joins me.

-"You okay?" he asks.
"Yeah." I answer, still wiping my tears off.
-"No you're not. Tell me what really happened."
"I can't...He knows where I live. I'm sure yesterday wasn't the last time that he sneaked in."
Brick hugs me sideways, thats cute.
-"You know what? You shouldn't be alone tonight. We're driving to mines now. You will stay at mines."
"Really...? I don't know, what about your parents?"
-"They won't ask anything. And if they do, we just tell them."
"I don't know..."
-"Hey, I got this."

I just nodd, We get up and into Bricks car.

"Why don't you start the motor?" I ask.
-"Please, tell me what happened. Show me."
"Can we lock the car?"
-"Yeah. Of course. But, I'm with you. Nothing will happen to you." Brick says, locking the car.

I trust Brick and put the bandage down slowly.
Brick looks at my arm, then at me, at my arm and back at me.
I force myself not to cry again.

-"He did that!?" Brick says full of anger.

I honestly like that he is actually worrying about me. But I also don't like it. I feel like I can't even take care of myself.

I nodd.
-"How? Why?"
"Yesterday night...he was...I was just laying on my bed and then, suddenly he was knocking at my window. My room is upstairs tho, don't ask how he got there...I opened the window and he came in. He said things like 'I know you want me, I know you were jealous when I've kissed your cousin back at the wieners' . He stepped nearer and nearer and I told him that nothing he's saying is true. I said that I'll see him at the party... He thought it was like...I meant that as a date or something. I told him no, I'm going with you. When I said that, he totally freaked out and grabbed my arm so hard that it's still hurting now..."

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