chapter 1 your my mate

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Your my mate

I woke up wondering why i didnt hear the sound of my alarm clock go off. Fuck what time is it?? I took over my shoulders looking at my small dresser at the digital alarm clock.

My eyes widen automatically, as i curse under my breath " shit!! Oh shit! Sweet shitty shit shit!" its 12 oClock. Damnit. The pack is going to be pissed. Mainly my mom.

I open my door slowly, cursing internally as it squeaks open. I tipy toe down the hall heading torwards the bathroom. Passing by my ex-bestfriend and the alphas room. His infront of mine hers to my right.

Tonight the alpha- aurox is supposed to be shifting. Its going to be his 18 th birthday and he will be calling out to his mate.

While I, desmond reynolds is supposed to be the one cooking and cleaning. Just like always. This party is going to be huge. I wish i could go but im like cinderella in this case except im not pretty, there us no prince, or fairy god mother. Just a regular ugly girl with a cruel mother and brother. No future in store for me. My only chances are if i find my mate.

I could care less for the alpha. He treats me just like how all the other whores, bitches, ass holes, and pricks do. LIKE. NOTHING.

I stare my pale complexion in the mirror, wanting to jump out of my own skin. As if its not even mine, unwilling to claim myself. My curly red hair spiraling down touching my waist. Almost creeping up on my but. Almost. At the very top of my head its a rats nest, looks as if rats just mated in my tumble weed of hair. Their young springing to life comming out awakening to the new world.

I yawn stretching my limbs out. I run my fingers through it numerous times adding water, i finallymanage to tame my hair. The ferocious lion surrendering to the lion tamer. My brush. Why cant i just have beautiful straight flowy hair like the other girls at my school, even the whores look better than me. I just want hair that flows in the wind heasing that direction. The wind lifting and soothing it keeping neat and delicate. Instead i have this. I sigh heavily looking at my roundness of my body.

"why am i so ugly?" i ask myself looking into the deep dullness ofmy morning eyes. Why dont i have chest?? How come i was cursed with uglyness??

'you are not ugly' my wolf states. ' we are beautiful, dont listen to them desmond. You are who you are' my red wolf stated. Her name is mandy. My mandy. My spirit that keeps me going. Im so thankful for her. I love you mandy.

'i love you too mandy' says. I smile slightly. Before coming back from la la land.

"Desmond!!!" the alpha yells. Startling me, making me jump back hitting my head against the wall. Ouch!! Fuck!! That hella hurt. I knew already i was late at cooking breakfast, needing to get ready to start to cook the dinner forthe party.

" im on my way down, sir" i reply to the alpha. I splash a little bit of water on my face then start making my way down the stairs. The elevators too slow it will only delay me and make me get punished.

" desmond!! What the hell?! Get your ugly fat ass down here now!!" by brother felix's voice boomed through the halls making my ears ring. Followed by a "now!!" coming from the alpha, losing his patience.

" coming" i said. I glanced over to see the regular people sitting down on the couches. Each guy has a girl in there lap making out. Except the alpha, whose eyes are on me glaring. I swallow the lump past my throat, hoping it will make me feel less nervous.

Before the alpha can speak his slut alexis, who just happens to be my nemesis speaks out " oh hey everyone. Lets welcome tarzan back from the jungle. Im pretty sure i see braided pit hair under those hairy ass arms." she says then sneers at me. Wtf?? I dont even have pit hair and my arms are not hairy.

I didnt speak up though. I never do im just so weak, and pathetic says the members of my pack including my own mother. Or as i would like to call her the demon bitch from hell.

This time im not going to go crying my eyes out i have work to do. So i just keep on walking until i reach the kitchen to get slapped across the face on my left cheek. I try to adjust my hands so my body doesnt feel any pain, but its too late and my face made contact with the floor.

" Next time get your lazy fat ass up on time!! Or else. " she hissed in my face. My cheek burned and stung at the same time.

I was slowly getting up when she threw a pot at me. Of course my face had to be tbe one that caught it. Oh gosh. "hurry the hell up" she hissed.

I jumped up and grabbed the pot filling it with water then putting it on the stove to boil. I heard my mothers foot steps fade then leave the kitchen. Getting a few chuckles, smirks, and laughs from the ass hole crew on the sofa.

-------- ----------- ----------


It has been nearly a whole day of me cooking and cleaning. Then setting up for the party. I had just finished setting up the table preparing for when after he discovers his mate they can all eat.

I heard a howl and known the deed was done. All of a sudden a wave of pure exstacy hit me and my body started shaking all over. I begant to howl when the door burst open and there stood my mate aurox. Omg!!!! I want him so badly.

My wolf kept screaming over and over again 'mate' with joy. I was so happy but didnt know why. Thats whrn he dragged me by my shirt into his office and shut the doors to the sound proof room. He glared at me but i didnt knoe why. We would be so happy together.

" your my-my mate" i stutterd out unable to react. I wanted to kiss him so bad. My lips meeting his sweet, thick juicy ones. All i wanted was to press my body to his rock hard one. I licked my lips at that thought. Then saw his eyes flash a quick glance of ........lust?? I hate him how could i fall for him. I will love him forever.

Then his wyes turn black as coal. Sending daggers of ice down my spine. Whats wrong with him???

As if on cue, like he reads my mine " you" he says harshly. Me??? What??? What is he trying to say??

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