Beginner's Luck

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Emily's pov

I was boredly watching MTV, eating my favourite snacks, wearing my pyjamas as I heard the annoying lound sound of my telephone ringing. For a couple of seconds I just let it ring, deciding if I should pick it up or not.
I wasnt really in the mood for talking to anyone right now but I decided to pick it up anyways since it was already the 3rd time MTV was playing the same song so I pulled myself out of my comfortable blanket and got up, walking over to the old wooden table on which the phone stood. "Hello?" I said, suspicous of who might be on the other end of the line.

"Hey." Said a deep very familiar voice which made me blush. "Its Ed. Meet me in 10 minutes outside of your house, I wanna take you somehwhere." he said, and I could almost see the slight smile on his face as he spoke. 

Slightly surprised that my boredom would end sooner than expected, I answered him, happy that he thought about me. "Youre a dork, Ed. But sure, i'll be there. Its nothing fancy right?" "Nothing fancy, i'm sorry. I just wanted to spend time with you." Chuckling a little at his apology, I looked down at the floor and smiled. "Don't apologize, you know I dont like fancy things that much." He chuckled, probably exposing his cute dimples and good facial structure.
"Alright, see you in 10." We said our goodbyes and I happily walked into my bedroom to change my clothes, surely I wasnt going to go out with him in my pyjamas.

After picking out something to wear, still wondering what he could be up to, I put them on and tied my shoes. Nothing fancy. Maybe the movies? No, he doesnt like going to the cinema that much. Although he's a fool for popcorn. I kept on wondering where he could take me as I slipped my apartment key into my pocket and walked infront of the house I lived in.
Looking around, I saw Eddie's car already parked on the other side of the streets and smiled. Never late, I thought walking over to his old timer. As he saw me he quickly oped his car door and smiled getting out of the car with his arms open, inviting me for a hug. I walked over to him, still smiling widely over both my cheeks as he gave me a tight hug, wrapping his arms around my waist as he did so.
"Hey." he simply said with that oh so famous smile of his which I havent seen in multiple weeks. "Soo is this still a suprise trip?" I asked, returning the smile he gave me as he held open the car door for me. "Jup. Im not telling." I chuckled and got into his car waiting for him to join me. "Come on, you know I hate suprises." I mumbled as he got into the car as well, starting it up. "Well I can promise you'll like it. At least I hope so."

As he started to drive down the streets who were beginning to get more and more unknown the longer we drove we listened to some old records that, which you could tell by the dusty and mosty ripped paper covers, were probably in this car before he bought it. I loved to look out the window in long car rides, but something about Eddies presence changed it. The passing landscape outside the car seemed unrelevant and boring when he was there. Talking and laughing with him was so much more fun than counting yellow cars or watch the people from the safespace of a car. "I'll give you a hint. We're almost there." he snickered. "You know I dont know my way around this place." I chuckled back, watching him looking at the street infront of us. "Well that doent make my hint less true." he shot back, looking to the right and left searching for a place to park the car. After a couple of moments his face lighted up with some sort of pride for his accomplishment as he finally found an empty space to park the car. "Dont worry I didnt take you here to look at the buildings in this street, we'll have to walk the rest." he said, finally bringing the car to a stop quickly jumping out of the car to get a bag from the back of the van. As soon as he got it he jumped to the car door on my side and opened it for me, offering his hand to me. "Thank you, Mr. Gentleman." I teased him, taking his hand and getting out of the car. "My pleasure darling."

A couple of minutes went by before he stopped walking. Being confused by his sudden move, I looked at him trying to figure out why he stopped. "You'll have to close your eyes from now on." laughing and still a bit confused I answered him giving him a weird look. "But I will trip and fall if I cant see anything." he pointed to a pair of stairs which led up to an old house and grinned again "I'll give you a piggybag ride. Come on." laughing but also knowing he wouldn't let me win this arguement I agreed and stepped on one of the stair before jumping onto his back, which to my suprise, he didnt seem to mind at all since he only wrapped his arms around my legs and started walking as if I weighed nothing.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and closed my eyes as promised. "And no cheating or I'll drop you." he said chuckling again. "I'm not cheating, my eyes are shut tight!" I said as I imagined his cheekbones being exposed when he chuckled like that. "We're almost there." "You said that 20 minutes ago, Ed." I answered laughing again, still wondering where he might take me. "But now i'm serious. We're here, you can open your eyes now. " A slight laugh escaping me as he said so, I opened my eyes.
My god.
I couldnt believe my eyes. In front of me was the ocean. A place I havent seen in months , maybe even years. I jumped down from his back and hugged him tight. "God Eddie, this is beautiful!" i said with a big smile on my face, enjoying a warm summer breeze blowing through my curly hair. "Thank you so much for taking me here." I added shortly after. "Well i thought i should bring you here since youre complaining to me all the time about how you hate always seeing the same streets where you live." he said hugging me back and lifting me up a little. "And dont thank me. Everything for you little one."
Little one.
Only because im slightly smaller than him. I chuckled. He always seemed very proud of the fact that he wasnt the smallest when I was around. I pulled away from the hug, taking the opportunity to take a look around.
This place was abulutely stunning. A beautiful sandy beach with a couple of rocks near the water. The sky beginning to turn a pinkish orange colour and the sound of birds singing. Ed reached into his bag and pulled out a blanket before putting it on the sand so we could sit on it.
"Youre the best." I said,  joining him on the blanket by sitting next to him. "Im glad you think so." he answered looking right into my eyes, making me blush a bit.
Those eyes could tell you so much about him. You could see everything in them. He truely has eyes to get lost in. "You always know what I need ed." still smiling, I looked at the shore which was not too far away from us but still far enough away so the waves wouldnt get here.

"I mean, the ocean is a place where I can be myself without the worry of being judged. Just how I feel when I'm in your company. So i thought why not bring you here with me and make this amazing place even better." I turned around to him as I heard him say that, my gaze meeting his. "Youre really something else huh?" I answered giving him a smile hoping to get one in return. "You too, Em." He answered with a grin. "I wanted to take you here for a long time but I wasnt sure if you'd like it." he added which left me slightly shocked. "Are you kidding me?" I said with a slight laugh. "I love anywhere you take me, as long as youre there." He smiled at my words, looking down to the ground. I closed my eyes for a moment, just enjoying the sound of the waves and the smell of the salty sea. As I opened my eyes again, the sun had set a little farther tinting the sky a deep orange colour.

I looked at Eddie, just trying to figure out whats on his mind for a second. After a while of just plain looking at each other in a comfortable, almost wanted silence he shot me a smile which I was quick to return.

"You know, i think you can always sence what i'm thinking." I said, still smiling. "Really?" he questioned, still looking into my eyes. "Yeah, its like.." I took a little more time to look at him before continueing to speak " can read my mind or something." I added, the last part a little more quiet than when I started. He chuckled looking down again before looking into my eyes again.
"Well," he scooted over a little closer to me. "tell me if i read your mind correctly" he said before putting two fingers underneath my chin, placing his lips on mine.
My whole body went weak as I felt him softly kiss me and butterflies took control over my stomach, directing sparks through my whole entire body. As our lips parted again I instantly felt a loss followed by the thought how I survived my whole life without kissing him and what I had missed.

he snapped me back into reality. "Was I right?" he said giving me that smile again. The smile I've been thinking about these past weeks constantly. "Beginners luck." I answered making him smile more and reunite our lips again.

The End.

Beginner's Luck. (Eddie Vedder)Where stories live. Discover now