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E stands for Earliest

Lee Minho, you are always early to everything. If someone invited us over to have a sleepover, you'd always be the first one there. If there was a party that someone invited us to, you'd always be the one who got there before any of our lazy asses did. You are always one to hand in your homework early, sometimes even a week before the due date. Not because you're a nerd, but because you'd rather spend time with your family and friends than sit around for days doing homework. You kind of inspired the rest of us idiots to get our asses into gear and get things done. You even wake up in the morning before any of us and also the first one to log into our messy as fuck group chat. So yes, Minho, you are an early bird, but you are my early bird. Tweet tweet.

- Love, Bang Chan

Minho couldn't help the eye roll and the tiny giggle that escaped him when he read the 'tweet tweet' in the letter. Minho had read it in Chan's voice, which only made it funnier, and for the first time in a long time...

Minho actually smiled.

Letters Of The Alphabet (BangInho) [High School AU]Where stories live. Discover now