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Okay. So I had this idea. I personally thought it wasn't to bad. So Luke is going into college. He knows he's getting into the Fraternity he wants to go to because Ben and Jack were both in it. Then we have innocent little Calum. He's going to the same college. His best friend ____ is joining a Sorority. They're both gay. Calum only tells people when they ask. Luke is openly gay. Things happen Luke and Calum meet. Bada bing bada boom. Yeah. I don't know what to name his bestie.

Okay I know nothing about Frats or Soroities. So basically I going from all the what I think are stereotypes of frat boys throwing parties getting shit faced drunk and inviting sororities. Having lots of sex. Also I don't know if it's okay to have gay people in fraternities. I looked it up but I didn't really get a straightforward answer. So let's pretend it's perfectly normal. Again I know nothing so don't go correcting me like "oh this doesn't happen in a fraternity" or "Soroities aren't like this" or shit like that. If you think you'll do that please just leave now. Just don't. I want to go from the stereotype.

Also this will be boyxboy so I don't want to hear shit about it. If you don't like it simple don't click on the story and read it. Kay? There might be smut I don't know yet. I don't even know where I'm actually going with this. I wing stuff. I'm a go with the flow kinda person. That's how I get anywhere. So I have a beginning idea but I don't know where else I wanna go with this.

Forget about the story real quick lets just talk about frat boy Luke and frat boy Calum cause holy fucking shit.
Maybe in each chapter I'll leave one of those frat boy things that just kills you. Basically this is coming soon. I wanna write at least 10 chapters or a full story before I actually post. Cause I don't wanna start and then realize I don't know what else to write. So don't get to excited for this cause I might not even start it.

Oh and the cover that will be changed. I just found a pic of frat boy Luke and did what I could in 5 seconds. When I get into the story and have a general idea of what I want I'll make a real cover that will look good. If it doesn't I'll hate myself cause photoediting is my passion.

The Fraternity (Cake w/ side of Mashton) discontinuedWhere stories live. Discover now