Coming down

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I was doing what I do every night, sitting on my friends couch setting up a line, rolling up a dollar bill and giving my soul to the dark side. I felt like I was flying, like all my stress melts off and I was in my own world, that no one could ever invade. No one leaves, no one enters, everything was perfect especially when the crack was good and this time it felt like I was never coming down from this one.

"Charley someone is here for you. She says she's an old friend or something. I asked if she was a cop she said no." Marissa hobbled into the room with some tall young brown haired girl in a big trench coat and smudged eyeliner on.

"Look if your selling cookies I'm not interested. Cookies aren't my type of addiction, sorry." Everyone in the room laughed and looked at her. The girl moved toward me and slouched down, this girl looked familiar when I looked her in the eyes but I couldn't figure out where I would know her from, she obviously didn't do drugs and I don't leave north Houston so I was stuck.

"I'm not here to give you food nor am i here to fill your degrading addiction. I've come because i need your help and your the only one i can trust. Please come with me and we can go through all the information." She stood back up looking around the room in disgust. I could tell she had some kind of enforcement training, she seemed to be a bit younger then me and she obviously was not interested in staying around this part of the town.

"Why do you trust me? I dont even know you? Why should i even move a finger for you?" i stood up getting in her face. I dont like people acting like theyre better then me espically when they know nothing about me and refuse to tell me why the hell they are ruining my high.

"You should trust me because i know your sister and my mother is a good friend of your birth parents. They told me where you might be and i tracked you done to this place. I need you to come with me now. Trust me because there is no time to sit around." She took my hand and pulled me towards the door. She seemed to be all business and no play, I didn't remember my sister or my mother and father.

I had gotten into a bad accident when i was fifteen years old and lost a lot of my memory and was in a coma for two years. I turned eighteen around the time i learned how to walk and talk again and my family was no where to be found. I thought they died in the accident and no one told me. I started working in a mall in north Houston and fell into the drug scene. Now seven years later they need my help and they cant even come, they send some hotty with a tight ass to fetch me? Yeah well i don't know how I'm going to help strangers but obviously i don't have a choice.

She took me to a big black van and shoved me in the front seat, i was a little shaky since i was coming down and i was becoming as sober as ive been in a couple years. She looked at me disturbed by my shaking, "Here is a water bottle. Drink some water and ill stop to get us food. We have a day long drive ahead of us and you need to get clean before you see your family again and start back on training." I looked at her like she was crazy yet she was so serious. What in the hell does she mean 'Training'? And my ass is not getting sober, they walked into my life when im trying to live it by myself. I dont know who they are. I dont know why i have to change, obviously they didnt want me before so they shouldnt try to raise me now.

"How long am i going to be gone? Im not quitting. You guys pulled me out of my home to use me for something and its not going to work. Im not a game piece, you dont get to pick me up when i catch your interest, find another pawn." She turned on music completely disregarding what i had to say. Why was this happening? Why did they need my help and hide for seven years of my life?

After couple hours she picked up some food, she ordered me something I would like. I was asleep when she stopped and honestly I don't think I could have eaten anyways. I was so nauseous from coming down off the drugs, I puked a couple times in a bag and you could tell that she didn't like what she was seeing. She really never looked at me, she just kind of glanced when she thought I wasn't looking. I fell asleep again after trying to eat, which was a failed attempt of course. I woke up a couple hours later by her singing a song, but the thing is, I knew I never heard that song in the last 7 years, but It felt like I heard that song before.

" why do you keep singing that song? It sounds so familiar? " she looked down and looked really sad. You could tell a lump formed in her throat, she took a long pause and was probably pondering on what she's going to say next. I felt like what it said really hurt her but I didnt understand why.

"its just a song my ex and I used to enjoy. she would sing it to me whenever I was sad." her voice quivered when she answered. she looked down and looked again up at the sterrimg wheel.

"what happened to you guys?"I was scarred to ask her this question because of her reaction from asking about the song but I felt like she needed to maybe talk it out. We hit a stop light and she looked at me with a sort of morning in her eyes. it felt like she wanted to tell me, but she couldn't get the words out.

"She didnt come home one day and I figured out why, but I couldnt find her and I dont even think she remembers who I am after this long." the light went green and she was so upset that she kind of jerked the car when going forward; I dont think she payed much attention to it.

"Im sorry that happened to you..." I really didn't know what to say, since I never really experienced heart break or a longing for another human being. I just said what I felt and maybe it would make her feel better, " I'm sure she felt like the luckiest girl alive during the time that you guys were together. Maybe she remembers you and is trying to find you. You never know until it happens I guess, but just keep your chin up."

She Gasped for air and looked at me with tears in her eyes. I don't think she knew what to say, I think she was hiding a lot more from me then I thought, but I think I needed to know. I just felt like she was special, like she needed to tell me something because I could help her. I don't know why it bothered me so much to see her so upset. I felt I needed to make her happier because by her being upset I was extremely upset. I usually never care about the way people were feeling and I usually don't attach to people . I'm very distant ever since I woke up from the coma. The way I felt about her was different from what I've ever felt about another person. I didn't have a best friend back in North Houston, I mean I said I did but she just gave me drugs for free sometimes, I mean I don't think I've ever felt an emotional connection with anyone and nor have I wanted to.

I couldn't keep it in so I finally just asked her... " what are you keeping from me? Obviously there is something you want to tell me and your not telling me...." she opened her mouth and I think she was going to say something but she looked down and just stopped herself. That kind of upset me for the fact that she's still wouldnt tell me what was wrong after I asked her to. I mean its not like i knew her, but at the same time I felt like I knew her well enough to make sure that she is going to ok. "It's making me upset because for some reason I really care about what's going on with you and seeing you cry is very upsetting."

She looked at at me amazed by what I said, I realize that maybe I knew her before today. The looks that she was giving me in the car, the way she was talking to me, the way she kept things from me, the way she worded things and she told me how I should trust her. how did she just know that I needed a bottle of water and she knew what I liked to eat? Its weird how she just knew those kinds of things about me, I thought she didnt know me? She pulled the car over, unhooked her seatbelt and turned to the right to look me directly in the eye.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2014 ⏰

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