•Chapter 20• Dealing Wit Her

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Quavious POV

After telling Ro what happened and who took her she went hysterical!! I expected her too freak out but not the way she did. After almost taking two hours to calm her down I was finally able to talk to her and made sure she understood every word I was saying.

"I'm going to LA tonight.. I need you to stay here! Do NOT leave this house!"

"I wanna come with you" She finally spoke looking at me

"No! Hell Nahh.. we ain trynna have nun happen to you.. do you think I'll be able to live wit myself if sum happened to you and it was my fault?"

"I'm choosing this! Every time you leave and I'm left to wonder am I gonna see my husband again! This bitch has taken everything from us!! And she has my baby girl and you think I'm just supposed to stay behind? No. I wanna deal wit this hoe myself and finish her once and for all!"

As much as I hated to let her come and something happened I knew she wasn't gonna take no for a answer.

"Fine... be ready by 10" I walked out going upstairs to pack

Maybe this is what Royalty needed. She never dealt with Dream one on one and to think about she did take everything from us. Our first baby, screwing Take over, making us believe they killed Royal's mom... all the heart aches and pain and to top it off taking my kids! I felt anger and rage take over all at once. It was time to finish this bitch!

After packing I set everything by the door and laid down closing my eyes. I felt the bed move a little and legs on the side of me.  I looked up and saw Royal straddling my waist looking at me

"You know I can understand why you want to do this. Especially after everything that happened" I sighed rubbing her thighs

"Do you ever wonder what our first baby would have looked like?" She asked

"Hmmm" I chuckled lightly. "Probably like Yaté and Sky combined... he or she would have been beautiful"

"Yeah... that still haunts me till this day! How do you get over something like that?"

"You don't.. that was our first baby.. we never got to meet him or even see.. I don't expect you to let all that shit go. I haven't. I'm blessed to have my two babies now but it still doesn't replace the first"

She nodded messing with my chains

"You know if anything happens I wanna say I love you and I apologize for the fucked up shit I put you through... I know I caused you a lot of pain and I want to let you know I ain mean nun of dat shit. I was immature and thought I could live my old lifestyle and be a family man at the same time.. after almost losing you I realized I couldn't do both"

"Qua, nun is gonna happen... everything is gonna be fine" She reassured me. "I love you"

"I love you... lemme show you how much" I rolled us over so I was on top.


I woke up to Set and Take pounding on our door. It was only 8:30 and wasn't time to go. I got up slipping on my YRN sweats over my boxers before opening the door

"What y'all want?" I asked rubbing my eyes

"We need to get to the hospital!"

"Why? What's wrong?" I asked stepping out into the hallway

"Keshia.. she found Sky and not in the best condition" Take finally spoke he looked like he could cry and kill a nigga at any moment

"I'll meet y'all there"

Royalty III // Quavo&IndiaWhere stories live. Discover now