Loren POV I didn't confirm that I wanted to go with him yet so I kept the sticky note and read it and think about if I should go to prom with him. Harvey POV If Loren doesn't wanna text me, call me, ask her mom to call me then giving her a sticky note will last longer. L-*phones rings* L.B-Hello? L-oh hey Luna L.B-hey umm I just wondered since prom is tomorrow have u found a date yet? L-no but I still have Harvey's sticky note from before. L.B-well ummm I found a date for u. L-OMG meet me at Starbucks ASAP! L.B-ok..... L-hey Luna where is he? L.B-he's coming any sooner by now L.B-oh there he is! L-that's him?! L.B-well yeah u don't like him? Jordy-J-hey girls L.B-hi meet my bff Loren! L-hi! J-wait she's my date to prom? L.B-*starts nervously saying yes* J-really*scream weird things* L-ummm Luna can we talk for a minute? L.B-sure L-what in the world is wrong with u? L.B-what do u mean he's the perfect date L-do u see him he's wearing literally girl shorts doesn't he know that L.B-Loren tmrw's is prom there is no need to be picky abt guys now Loren u need to get a date or else ur gonna look like a weirdo standing there urself L-fine whatever at least I have a date! L.B-k come on we can't just let him wait there L.B-so.....Jordy J-yes yes??? L.B-umm do u have any plans like tmrw, or like do u need to see someone? J-nope I'm not seeing ANYONE L.B-mkay L.B-well tmrw just show up to the dance at 6:00pm and ur all good J-okay! J-Loen L-it's Loren J-oh yeah let's study there L-what?! J-cya tonight J-WITH UR BACKPACK L-WHAT?! J-cya L-Luna he's the worst date ever! L.B-it's ok! L-that's ok he's literally jumping across the road L.B-well u didn't wanna go with Harvey so I thought maybe him? L-Luna L.B-yes? L-did u got catfish AGAIN L.B-what no i don't know what ur talking about L-u did didn't u? L.B-fine I did L-SEE I KNEW IT I KNEW IT THIS WHOLE TIME L-how did he look like on tinder L.B-he looked so cute he kinda look like zac efron L-wait lemme see
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L-Luna L.B-what? L-THAT IS ZAC EFRON L.B-WHAT L.B-wait so he tricked me to thinking it's zac efron? L-well duh! L-HE LEGIT USE A MARKER TO BLOCK THE 'FLIM INDEPENDENT AWARDS SHOW' L.B-omg I'm so sorry L-my life is so bad