Her Highness The Hero-King

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As a dark cloud flew closer, the frail camp that was the Shepherds, the royal army of Ylisse, prepared to clear the Risen, monsters coming from deep darkness (and Owain's self-proclaimed servants), that were about to surface. Clouds like these never come without Risen, that was a fact. The Great Dragon of darkness Grima, evil ruler of the world, kept sending Risen to deal with the Shepherds, or at least, what was left of them, and every time the army's numbers dropped slightly. Soon, there would't be anyone to stand up against Grima's tyranny. The situation was extremely dire and out of the great legends that used to lead the Shepherds, only a few remained.

The army's leader was none other than the legendary Hero-King Marth, well, if you ask the soldiers, that's what they'll answer. In reality, it was the previous King of Ylisse's daughter wearing a mask and tying her hair to make them look shorter than they actually were. A clever facade to help with the army's morale. Her real name was Lucina. She was a kind and strong woman and none of the generals argued about her skills with a sword. Equipped with the oh-so famous Falchion, the dragon slaying blade, she commanded her troops with an iron fist. Only her generals, her closest friends, knew her true identity. Not even the enemy had figured it out. They were too occupied conquering two lands in the north that were reserved by birthright to someone else anyways.

Lucina was studying the map of the area with her old butler when her cousin stormed in her tent without any warning. While she was quickly putting her mask on and finding a position that would hide her hair at least a bit not knowing who was entering, he somersaulted for absolutely no reason and landed on one knee, his right hand covering most of his face.

- A revelation from the Gods! He exclaimed as he landed.

- Oh... It's just you Owain... please signal your presence before entering next time, The princess answered taking off her mask completely unimpressed.

- Oh, ehem... My... report, The myrmidon said loosing his theatrical pose.

- Yes. What's our status? The Exalt asked.

- Well, our forces have been reinforced by my raging darkness and-, Started the entertaining sword-wielder.

- Owain, Tried to cut Lucina.

- With our souls as sharpened as our weapons, the Risen might as well cower before I, Owain Dark! They-, Continued the dark swordsman.

- Owain! Shouted the Falchion's wielder.

- ... S-sorry. The troops are ready and Spear-master of dar... Spear-master Donnel is already on the move with the vanguard squad, mumbled her cousin.

- Perfect. Go ready your squadron. It's Severa, Donnel and you this time, Lucina added.

- Yes! I love fighting with Severa! Oh, but don't tell her I said that. She'd kill me...

- Go on Owain. They're waiting.

- Fine... Until next communion! He shouted while bowing with grandeur.

- He can't even say "see you later" correctly...

- Your strategy of rotating three squadrons every attack is ingenious, but what to do if Grima sends too much for the troops to handle? Frederick the retainer said to change the subject.

- There's always a flying squad watching the battle to help if needed and signal for more soldiers, The Exalt answered.

- I'm frightened that it might not work someday and we'd lose many lives.

- Maybe... we need to find something new... you're right Frederick.

- It is my duty as butler to help you in anyway possible. I simply wish I could put back my armor, but with an arm missing, it's impossible.., He replied looking melancholically at the empty right sleeve of his shirt.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2018 ⏰

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