Monday horrors

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BB POV- We walked until sundown,we would have kept going until Raven collapsed! I knelt down next to her and saw why she collapsed, her blood was turning black! "I-I can k-keep g-going." She said determined. "No you can't Raven! If your this determined I will just carry you ok?" I asked her. She nodded as held her like you would hold a baby. Whoever I used to look in her eyes I saw hope,beauty,and determination. Now when I look in her eyes the only things I see are pain,no hope,And a shattered soul. It was now the middle of the night and it seemed with every step we took she got paler and paler. I would happily give my soul for her not to be in this much pain! Soon it was 3:00 a.m. And Raven and tried walking again,i could tell every step caused her pain. Soon we approached a very scary and big forest! "T-this is right before my fathers castle but this forest in very big." Raven said. We all nodded as we kept walking. At about 4:00a.m. Something grabbed my ankle and I screamed! It started to pull me away until RAVEN came and kicked it, but then it let go of me and dragged her away. We started to scream her name over and over again as we ran after it. We couldn't see barely anything because the sun hadn't come up yet. I was running when I fell into a hole and heard screaming coming from it! "Guys she's down here!" I yelled as they jumped down to. When we walked down a large hallway there were dead bodies laying everywhere! I was just hoping one of them wasn't my sweet Raven. We finally came to a room were we saw people trying to kill her! She was tied up in chains on a wall (you know like they do in movies) ! They then got a knife and put it in her skin and glided it down her arm! But she held her screams in! He then yelled at her " Scream or I will cut your leg!". She didn't scream! He then made a long gash down her leg to let her bleed out all the black blood! "SCREAM!"she still didn't scream! He then punched her in the stomach causing her ribs to shatter and all this was happening while we were trying to get through the locked metal door! He then grabbed her leg and bent it backwards! "SCREAMMM!" He yelled louder! She still didn't scream! He then got a giant knife and cut her stomach!She finally screamed a ear piercing scream! We finally broke down the door and the thing jumped out a window in there! I wanted to bad to kill it but I knew I had to help Raven out! I ran to her and she was bleeding out! Cy then took a medical bag out of the bag that we had been carrying this whole time. Raven then closed her eyes tight out of the pain! "Raven!" We pretty much all yelled! Cy opened the first aid kit and took about Some medicine and bandages! "We can't do anything major like stitch her up or fix her broken ribs but we can put this on it and cover it with large bandages!" Cy said quickly as he put the medicine on her leg first as she shut her eyes tighter. He then put a giant bandage over it and then he remembered that leg was broken. "Friend Cyborg will friend Raven make it?" Star asked. "I don't know Star she's pretty banged up!" Cy told her as he moved on to her stomach. "Her stomach seems to be the most injured correct?" Asked Star! "Yeah Star your right!" Cy said as he put a lot of medicine on it and out a large bandage on it! He then moved on to her arm that was covered in black blood and did the same thing. I then picked Raven and started running! Soon we were out of there and we literally ran trying to get out of the forest! Soon it was night but I didn't want to stop for one reason! Tomorrow was Tuesday! We kept walking I new that Raven if we didn't get there soon that Ravens body couldn't handle all the pain! We finally saw something at 10:45P.M. And it was Trigons castle!

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