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We messed around the beach playing tag and doing who knows what (which included throwing each other into the water and having chicken fights) for hours and it soon became dark. "Tag!" I yell smacking Daniel and running off down the beach. Since the sun was setting everyone else who used to be on the beach had gone just leaving our group alone to- as the cool kids say- hang.

Daniel chases after me chasing me through the sand til i finally stop and fall over by some large rocks. Daniel laughs and collapses next to me. I point to the beautiful pink and purple sunset. Danny follows my finger and together we watch the sunset in silence.

"I love you." I blurt out then quickly cover my mouth with my hands realizing I said that out loud. Daniel laughs and snakes his hand around my waist before kissing my forehead.

"I love you too." He whispers before meeting me half way for a kiss. I will never get over the feeling of butterflies in my stomach I get when I'm around Daniel and I couldn't have it any other way. I mean what I accidentally said out loud. I love him. Always have and something tells me I always will. It's like he owns a piece of my heart and I can't have it any other way.

"You know I just now realize I never formally asked you to be my girlfriend." Daniel speaks up ruining the perfect movie moment. I laugh and intertwin my fingers with his. "So Sophia will you be my girlfriend?" He asks as the sun sets completely.

"Ye-" my reply gets cut off.

"Yeah, guys I found them over here!" Jack yells. We turn and find Jack standing on one of the large rocks behind us motioning to us. "We were looking for you guys." He pauses. "Screaming your names really...." crud. I was so lost in my own fairytale I hadn't even heard them calling us.

I turn back to Daniel. "Yes, Yes I will, but you're still it soooooo." I dart off back towards the others.

Daniel's pov..... (back tracking a bit)

I run after Sophia hoping to catch up to her and tag her back. She's unpredictable really and I'd be lying if I said I don't like it.

I missed being around her for years and it felt good to finally have her back in my life. It just reminds me how I never want to lose her again.

I chase her all the way down the beach to some huge bolders. She falls to the ground probably tired from running and I follow her down.

Without even saying a word she points in the direction of the water. Confused I follow her finger. There over the water was a gorgeous instagrahm worthy sunset. What Soph obviously didn't realize is there was a way more gorgeous and stunning sight right in front of me. I would never admit it out loud, but Sophia looked gorgeous. The way her eyes sparkled when she saw the sunset or her lips curled into a little smile when I told her a dumb joke was enough to make my heart beat out of my chest.

I've fallen head over heels and can only pray she won't leave me broken. "I love you!" The words come out of her mouth all at once almost making unrecognizable, but I heard it. I could tell by her shocked expression she hadn't meant to say that out loud. Heck maybe she didn't even mean it at all, but either way I couldn't help, but say it back because I do in fact love her with all my heart and I never want to have to see her leave.

The End.


Awwwww wasn't that cute and cheesy! Honestly I fangirled a little while writing this final chapter mostly because I've never experienced any kind of love or relationship so reading (or writing) about it makes me all bubbley inside like some over carbonated soda or something.




Over fangirling brain explotion?

Comment it. I want to see it all because trust me it's way more entertaining and exciting as an author to get one comment fangirling then it is to get a thousand views.

Peace! -Cg.

Bonus for anyone who cares about Mj....that's like one person, but still hope this makes you smile XD I'm dumb....

Mj sat awaiting Sophia's arrival. She had been gone a long time causing Mj to worry maybe she was having TO much fun. She nervously sat on Sophia's bed hoping that when the girls arrived they would talk all about their beach trip so she could get all the juicy details to gossip about to all her other friends. Granted she would have preferred being Daniel's girlfriend any day, but she didn't mind watching and listening to the happy couples business it gave her something to fangirl over as if five seconds of summer wasn't enough already. 

Even if Sophia and Daniel weren't officially back together the way she saw it they never broke up. The fluffy little dinosaur sat on her bed nervously tapping her hands on her lap, but then there they were. She quickly froze in her place transforming herself into the lovable stuffed animal. Anyone who claims toy story was fake was completely wrong and Mj proved just that.  

I wasn't planning to update today, but hey look I did! 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2018 ⏰

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