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"Mrs Insatiable; are you still hungry?"Randeep asked, as he snuggled next to me. I was really happy at that moment. It had been a long time that Randeep and I became comfortable, again. I turned towards him.
"As filling as never before,"I said.
"Really? You were so hungry?"
"Hungry? I was starving,"I said, and we both laughed.
"It's nearly 12; go and have your bath,"he said. I stared at the wall clock. Time was running at the pace of the cheetah.
"Well, you brought me to your house,"I said.
"Ours,"he corrected,"Now, go and freshen up,"he said.
"My clothes?"I asked him.
"In the wardrobe,"he replied, wearing only his boxers,"All your clothes are here,"he said.
"Fine; can you leave the room?"
He looked at me.
"Nothing,"he said, and smiled and went.
I had a great shower, wore my denim dress, and opened the door.
"You ready?"Randeep asked.
"Hmm,"I said. He came near me, and said,"Baby, we need to meet some people; I'll get ready real quick,"HR said,  and went into the bedroom.
I waited downstairs and sat on one of the sofas. I grabbed one of the Forbes magazine. As I flipped through its pages, something amazed me.
For, one of the articles read some interesting news.
"According to our recent sources, Business entrepeuners Randeep Rathod and Anamika Das are about to tie the knot at the end of this year; however the exact date is not yet confirmed."
Well, who said this? Woah! That's quick! Suddenly, my phone beeped. T as a message from Ananya.
Annie:Hey! Waiting to meet you!
Me:Woah! Did you see the recent Forbes magazine?
Annie:Yep! Congratulations!
Me:Whats going on between you and Rohan?
Annie:We'll meet and talk! Bbye!
I was quite excited to meet Annie. What was going on? I really hope that they're together.

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