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Dawko P.O.V

"Lewis, wake up." It was Baz's voice that woke me up. He shook my arm gently. I groaned but turned over to face him. "Sorry mate, switch over time." Baz was crouched down in front of my sofa, looking exhausted. My sofa was the one on the right, Rhys's was opposite mine and will had the one in the middle. Baz would be sleeping closer to my bed while Ryan was closer to Rhys. With a sigh I sat up and Baz shuffled back to his makeshift bed.

"What time should I wake you guys up?" I asked before yawning.

"If no one's awake before eight, wake us then." He said, settling down on the cushions.

"Ok, thanks Baz." There was no reply. When I looked down at him I saw that he was curled up on his side, asleep.

Reluctantly I stood up and walked over to the back of the room. Then, I pushed myself up on to the snooker table and sat there. Moonlight streamed in through the large windows, casting long shadows across the room. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see the grandfather clock. Ten minutes past three. Five hours until I had to wake the others. I needed something to do.

The fire was beginning to burn out so I got up, grabbed some more books and replenished it. Then I had an idea. People write about their experiences in blogs and journals, maybe I could do something similar. Just in case any of us made it out alive. It would help me keep my sanity as well. I've never really kept a diary before, but I have filled out multiple notebooks.

Back when I played FNaF (Five Nights at Freddy's), I would write everything out in notebooks - to keep track of things. New theories, important voice lines, lore, character details anything remotely important, it went in the notebooks. That way, I could find things quicker and nothing got forgotten. If I wrote down everything I knew about our current situation, maybe things would make a little more sense. Or we could use it to help explain what we were going through. If we ever escaped...

Anyway, I needed two things: something to write on and something to write with. The first one was easy, there were books all over the house. Normally books have a few blank page at the back, I could tare those out and write on them. The second... not so simple. There was bound to be a pen or pencil somewhere in the house; finding one that worked was a different matter. Most of the things in the house hadn't been moved in years. Therefore, if I did find a pen, it would probably be dried up.

I decided to have a look around the living room anyway. The drawers were full of random things: string, paper weights, keychains. After some digging around, I found a pencil. It was almost blunt but it was better than nothing. I grabbed a book off the shelf and began writing on the last few (blank) pages. I explained who we were and what we knew about our current situation. However, after writing it all out, I realized we didn't actually know that much.

Once I'd finished that, I started mapping out the parts of the house we'd been to. I started writing out theories, looking for any possible answer. It gave me something to put my mind to, stopped me from going insane.

Those five hours seemed to fly by.

DAGames P.O.V

I was awoken by Rhys, he stood over me telling me I had to get up. Of course, I didn't want to, I'm not a morning person. But I knew I had to, we needed to get started. I rubbed my eyes, adjusting to the light. "He's awake boys!" Rhys shouted over to the others.

"Very funny." I muttered as I sat up. Everyone else was stood round the snooker table. When I stood up, I could see pieces of paper all over the table. "Which mad-man did this?" I asked as I joined them. Lewis put his hand up and laughed.

"Me," he said, "I wanted to get the facts out to try and make sense of it all. I guess I got carried away." Lewis said. He picked up one of the pieces of paper and moved it to a different part of the table. "I would've written more but the pencil got too blunt." He pointed at the stub of pencil at the edge of the snooker table. He'd been busy.

"Guys, we do have one problem. What are we gonna eat?" Ryan asked. It was a good point, an obvious question that no one had asked.

"There must be a kitchen somewhere in the house." Baz said. He was right, if this guys had really thought things through, he'd know that we were going to need food and water.

"Well I say that we go and look for the kitchen before we do anything else. I don't know about you guys, but I'm starving" The others and all nodded and agreed. It had nearly been a whole day since I'd last eaten and my stomach was letting me know. I could feel the pain growing as I woke up more.

We left the living room and went back downstairs. Starting at the front of the house seemed like the smartest option. That way we would get lost. Also, we decided to stick together, safety in numbers after all. We did think about going round as a two and a three, but we didn't know the house and it would be so easy to get lost. Maybe when we knew the house beter we'd be able to do that.

However, that morning, our main priority was food. We needed to find something to eat or we'd only last another day or two.

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