New girl ~ron

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Ron Weasly p.o.v


The ministry of magic need a meeting with us it has been 1year since the battle of Hogwarts and I am still single Ginny is dating harry and hermione is dating George and George is still doing the shop and me and harry are authors right now we are seated at the meeting and the meeting just began


" I think you will be happy to know someone will be joining your team " the head said he took a pause and then started up again " Erika come out here " then a girl are age came out with stunning brown eyes and brown hair she was stunning with soft white skin and big cheek bones Harry was the first to speak up

" well welcome to the team " he had un surety in his voice. But I can't seem to take my eyes of the girl name Erika standing in front of me

She is stunning

New girl ~ronWhere stories live. Discover now