Meeting the team

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" Erika come out here " i walk out slowly thinking

' what is they don't like me '

' what is they left me '

' what is they hate me for my past '

' what if they hated me because my father

' what if they tried to kill me cause my father '

' what if they already know about my past '

I walk out and harry potter said " welcome to the team " I knew he was un sure about it the way he talked a boy named ron weasly wasn't saying anything just looking at me

' was that good or bad '

Then the head said

" well she is going to so much help she is a griffindore , great with spells and arrows

, knives and do you know how Sirius was a wolf well she is a tiger and her peranormus is a tiger and well Erika why don't you tell them about your past " I can tell about the way he said that , that he was disappointed

" well I worked for a double agent I was the the best ...." I trailed of

" and that is because "

Te head of misery of magic is getting it later

Just say say it quick it will all be over with

I took a deep breathe and said " my father help kill harry Potters parents with voldomort so he was high up in the death eaters and he turned me one at the age of 15 but i burned the mark " it was killing seeing the look on harry face it was full of emotion

Anger , sad , broken , disgusted and even the emotion of no Emotion just still waiting! to here it was. A joke with sadly it wasn't

I feel disgusted

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2014 ⏰

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