Moving to Michigan

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1 year after the movie:

"We are moving back to Michigan." I tell Wybie, my best friend.

"Oh..." Why-born looks down. "I'll see you later on in life than, Jonsey." He gets in his bike and leaves.

"He could have stayed, I am not leaving for another week." I grumble. I continue walking to the Pink Palace, and continue packing.

—next day—

"Wybie hasn't come over, is everything alright between you two?" Dad asks me.

"I told him I was moving and he kinda ran off." I sigh.

"Oh." Was all my father could say. I place my head on the table.

"Meow!" The cat hits my head.

"Hello." I smile, tears streaming down my face. The cat rubs his head against my cheeks, trying to make me stop crying. "I am fine, just a bit upset." I wipe my tears away.

—2 days later—

"Is everything alright, Coraline?" My mother asks me.

"Just peachy." I yell through my door. I continue packing up my toys. I need to throw some of these away. I don't like the turtle or the squid anymore.

"Let me know if you need something." My mother walks away. I have not left this room in two days. I am two upset about Why-born.

I take out my new phone, and look at the pictures I took of Why-born last year, I think my favorite is the one with the Banana Slug one his lip.

"Mom!!!" I yell running down stairs.

"What is it? You finally left your room!" My mother smiles.

"Can we bring the cat?" I ask, my mothers face turns brighter.

"Of Course!" She has grown a liking to the cat over the past year.

~ Ding! ~

I walk over to the door, hoping it is Wybie.

"Oh hello, Mrs. Lovat!" I smile.

"Hello, Caroline." She still pronounced my name wrong. "I was just wondering what happened between Wybie and you?" She asks.

"I told him we were moving, three days ago, and he ran off. I haven't seen him since..." I look down at the last part.

"Oh... Okay. He is probably is upset that you are moving. You are his first real friend." Mrs. Lovat reveals.

I look down, I now feel bad.

"Bye, Mrs. Lovat." I fake smile and start to close the door.

"Bye, Coraline." She smiles. She said it correctly! Though I don't feel better, I wish I could be here for Wybie, but he needs some space.

— 4 days later—

"I am going to Wybie's place to say bye!" I yell at my parents as I run out. I need to see Wybie!

I get to his house, only one light is on. I knock, no answer. I knock again.

"Hey." He opens the door.

"Hi! I am leaving today." I look down.

"I will miss you, Coraline." He hugs me, tight.

"I will miss you too!" I smile. "I will come back someday. Here is my phone number, text me." I hand him a piece of paper. "Bye, Wybie." I run to my house, avoiding tears from falling in front of Wybie.

"Bye, Cora!" He shortens my name for the first time. I will never let anyone else call me that... ever.

"Did you say Bye?" My mother asks. I nod in response, she grabs the last box and we leave. I grab the cat and head to the car.

I get in the car and see Wybie on his bike. He is waving and yelling at the car.

"I am stopping." My mother stops the car and I am let out.

"What is going on?" I ask Why-born.

"I just wanted to give you something." He hands me something, it is wrapped in newspaper. I open the paper and see a picture of us, a stuffed toy of a Banana Slug, and a small blanket.

"Why the blanket?" I ask Wybie.

"We threw your old one down the well... so I wanted to get your new one." He rubs the back of his neck.

"Thanks, Why-were-you-born." I slug his arm and hug him. "Bye." I walk to the car and get in. My family and I wave to Wybie, as he waves back.

"What did he give you?" My father asks.

"A stuffed toy of a Banana Slug, a picture of us, and a blanket." I tell my parents. They don't ask anything else. We continue driving.

"Meow!" The cat nudges my arm. I pet his head, causing him to purr. I smile and continue petting the cat.

I smile to myself, thinking of my old friends, and Wybie... Wybie was a good friend...

I feel a buzz on my leg, I pick it up and unlock my phone.

'Hey, Jonsey!' I get a text from a unknown number, who is obviously Wybie.

'Hello, Why-were-you-born.' I text back.

'How is the car ride so far?' He asks.


'How is the cat?'

'He is enjoying me petting him.'

'He probably likes me petting him more!'

'Sure ' I text back.

'Talk to you later.' I close my phone and put my head back, and stop petting the cat.

"Can you turn on the radio?" I ask my parents. They turn the radio on, Panic! At The Disco starts playing. I mumble along with it. I believe the song is 'But it's better if you do'.

The song ends and another one begins, another Panic! At The Disco song plays. Is this a Panic! At The Disco station, a lot of Panic!

"Oh well imagine, as I'm pacing the pews in a church corridor. And I can't help but to hear. No I can't help but head and exchanging of words. 'What a beautiful wedding! What a beautiful wedding!' Says a bridesmaid to a waiter." I sing along. Wybie was listening to this one time when I went over.

I am going to miss him... He was a great friend. I wonder what he was doing during the days I didn't see him.

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