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I started out as a tiny seed I can't believe I was once that small it's been at least one hundred years since then. I am old now my gnareled roots poke though the earth at my foot; you see many things when you've stayed in the same spot one hundred years. I have young saplings grow into beautiful trees along side me only to come crashing down in a thunderstorm. I've watched as they decomposed into the soil, and witnessed new saplings take their place unbeknownst to terrible fate of their predecessors. Most importantly however I have witnessed many different creatures, creatures of all kinds some were large, and some where small. Most walked on four legs, some had no legs at all! But perhaps the strangest creature I had ever witnessed was the creature called 'Human'. Now this was a creature like none other humans were careful, and thoughtful, well most of them anyway but you never mind that. First of all humans were the only creatures I'd seen that seemed to fight over things other than food or a mate. Now what a 'politics' I'm not so sure but it seemed to make people angry. I soon grew accustomed to humans as they destroyed the forest around me. I especially became familiar with a little humans the big humans called 'Rosie' now Rosie had pale skin and these little red dots all over her face her hair match the color of my leaves just before they fell in autumn. Rosie was sweet and loving she liked climb my branches and swing from them all day long during the summer. During the winter they would string these little lights on my branches I never did figure out what they were. As Rosie got bigger she stopped climbing me but instead she opted to sit on the grass between my roots. I rember one time when Rosie was almost full grown she brought another male human to meet me, Rosie's parent human came and chased him away. After awhile I began to see less and less of Rosie, eventually she came back to me. Her face was tired now now bright and youth full like it had been her hair had lost its color and was now white like the winter snow. She looked sad, Rosie spent most of her time inside now occasionally I would see Rosie watching me through the window only to turn away. Her face became more and more sunken with age her eyes more tired. Many many seasons passed until one day I realized I no longer felt Rosie's presence at least not the way it had before. I could see people inside the house all of them were dressed in black. Suddenly I noticed a small figure before me a silvery silhouette it was somewhat faded it was Rosie. Not the tired grayed Rosie but the small youthful Rosie with Auburn hair she smiled up at me in a way I hadn't seen her smile in a long long time, her blue eyes bright her small arms wrapped around my trunk and then she whispered two words I shall never forget "Thank You." And her figure faded from view. Many years have passed since then but even as my roots grew tired and my branches began to break nothing will ever matter as much as Rosie, the only human I had ever loved.


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