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"Inori... Inori... Wake up..."

A faint voice calls out from the dark. It sounds so soft, barely audible. It's calling my name. The calling of my name disappears in the darkness that is surrounding me.

I can't see anything. I just remain staring into abyss, hearing my name.

It's cold.

I'm scared.

Then I start hearing it again.

"Inori. I need you to wake up." It sounds like someone I knew. Someone that was very important to me. Someone soft and innocent, like the voice I keep hearing. Someone precious. Someone-

"Remember what mother told us."



My name is Inori.

I've forgotten. What do I need to do?

"Wake up"

Wake up.

"You need to wake up."

I need to wake up.

"Wake up."


"Wake up!"

I can't



Remember what mother told us

The beeping sounds from somewhere in the room rings in my ears which causes my eyes to shoot open. I'm suddenly overwhelmed by an unfamiliar sight which causes the panic to rise in me even more. I feel like I just woke up from a nightmare, into a nightmare.

A nightmare

My surroundings look familiar, like an elevator? Not really sure what that is but it was a moving container with doors. Not fancy at all, it looks like it been here for years with moss covering the not-so-shiny mirrors, the smell of seaweed and the flickering light from above.

Am I trapped?

I feel another wave of panic surface and I start to sink further into a ball, since I'm laying on the ground, covering my ears and starting to cry.

I can't handle this.

I'm claustrophobic.


I-I ....

I don't know...

I don't know where it started, I don't know where I even came from?

Who am I?

I'm Inori.

But that's only my name... What about my past? Why am I here? Where did I come from?

Don't panic, I keep telling myself.




"Inori." I hear someone speak. I hold my breath.

I open my tear-stain eyes and take my hands away from my ears as I look up at whoever is in front of me.

A man

Someone else!

I wanted to lunge forward but my legs were to weak to even move. I grab the bottom of his leg and hold on for dear life, my tears soaking his black pants.

I am terrified.

"Please tell me where I am." I say in between breaths, my hands shaking in fear and my vision still a bit blurred from the tears in my eyes.

"Help her up." The man said to someone, someone unknown. I suddenly feel two arms wrap around mine and start to help me on my feet and slightly drag me outside the container.

"I'm fine. You guys can let go of me now." I say but I still sound shaky. The two guys that helped me out the container look strong. Both has dark hair but the only difference between the two are the facial features and the color of their eyes. One had blue eyes and the other had dark brown eyes.

They are going easy on me so I know they aren't the enemy.  I steadily get to my feet and dust off the dirt that was on my clothes from where I was in the elevator. The space around me was very dark and I feel another anxious feeling creep up my spine. I have no idea where I am and to make it worse I don't remember anything from before.

I glance around the unknown room to find a hospital bed, a desk and a small bathroom area in the room. The room was very small and the only doors are the one I just came from which led to the container and another door, which I'm hoping to find out what's behind it. There is no sign of windows and the only source of light is coming from the long fluorescent light that is slightly above my desk.

The room in general makes me feel very uneasy and I can't help but clutch my stomach with my arms as I feel a cold breeze pass by me.

I slowly walk to the bed and sit on it. It's cold. My clothes are only a short sleeve shirt and track suit pants and my shoes are normal looking sneakers but you can see they are an old pair of shoes.

"Umm... Sorry but do you have an extra blanket or anything warm for me? It's freezing here." I cover myself with the warmth of my body, not that it's helping much.

The brown eyed guy suddenly throws an old sweater my way and I immediately pull it over my shivering body.

"T-Thank you..." I whisper as I cling on to the warmness of the sweater.

"Ms. Nakamura," the man calls. I am not sure if he was calling me but it only makes sense that it would be me because I'm the only girl here... "I suggest you get some rest before you do anything. I can see you're not in the state to start your test."


What test?

Before saying anything, the air starts to fill with a light smoke that is coming from somewhere but I can't see because my vision starts to get hazy. I lay my head down slowly on the bed not sure weather my head is on the pillow or on the other side of the bed.

"Wait..." I whisper, my hand reaching out to the three men. The older man walks to where I am laying and I suddenly feel a sting in my wrist before hissing in pain and pulling my arm back with the left over strength I have. I see them walking away...


My eyes slowly starts to close. I open them again to find the three men leave through the first door we came through. I close my eyes again but this time they're too heavy to open up again...


Where am I?




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