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The heavy rain was accompanying brown-haired boy with a dark blue umbrella while he was walking to school. It was the middle of November and the fall was slowly turning into rainy and cold winter. The air was frosty so Taeil was happy for his thick and warm black coat.

He carried his schoolbag hanged on his shoulder, with the essay for literature he didn't sleep for a day because of. He hoped it will be enough for a good mark although the teacher always loved his works. Taeil was interested in books and literature generally, which made her happy and proud.

"Taeil!" Someone shouted his name and pulled out the boy from his thoughts.

The said boy turned into the direction someone called from and spotted his Japanese friend. Yuta was waving at him while standing at the bus stop and older boy supposed that his friend forgot his umbrella. And he was right as Yuta pointed at the sky, his umbrella and put his hands together saying 'please'. Pouting. Taeil laughed spitefully.

"What do I get from helping you?" He smiled innocently whereupon Yuta rolled his eyes.

"Since when are you like Johnny? You two spend too much time, I swear to God." He shook his head in faked disappointment and Taeil shrugged.

He then went to his poor wet friend and offered him the place next to him. They chatted about school stuff and games because Yuta bought a new computer.

"It isn't the best, but the old one was so bad I wanted to smash it against the wall." He did some karate moves, almost hitting Taeil, who laughed at him.

But then he remembered something and without thinking, he said "Doyoung has Asus."

Yuta's eyes widened in excitement. "Yeah? That's cool—wait how do you know it when he's mute." He suddenly turned at him, furrowing his eyebrows.

Taeil gave him a judgemental look. His Japanese friend immediately understood and nervously combed his hair.

"Oh sorry."

He sighed. "Basically we had that project, two weeks ago? And we went to his house."

"Ooh right. So he's a gamerboy the same as us?" Yuta continued in their conversation.

The older slightly tilted his head, thinking.
"I don't know but he had lots of books too." His expression changed from unsure to excited. Yuta could swear he even saw sparkles in his dark eyes.

"Books are boring."

Taeil gave him a touched stare. "I love them."

"You are boring too."

"Well, I have an umbrella." The boy pointed at his umbrella and gave him the look you lost.

The Japanese faked a gasp. "Boring what? Never heard of it. Taeil is the coolest!" Yuta said, cringing right after.

The older smiled but closed the umbrella as they were already in the school area, near the roof.

"That's what I thought."


The two were just opening their lockers when someone approached them. He was so silent no one noticed him until Yuta turned around and screamed in really high pitch.

"Jesus, Doyoung!" He put his hand on his chest while Taeil burst in laugh.

"Oh—my—G-God!" He almost cried.

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