12. Underwater

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"Please sit down, we will be arriving at our destination shortly." The familiar robotic voice spoke orders calmly.

The boat rocked and knocked me off balance. Walker tried to catch me, but only ended up falling with me. Our eyes met when i looked up to see him lying on top of me. Both our cheeks turned a bright shade of red.

"Hey! What is going on in here?" A sailer was standing in the door way looking around frantically at the Pokemon.

We turned our attention to the man in the doorway. I was unable to react before a Pikachu shocked the sailer and knocked him out.

"I think it's safe to say we can free Mew now." Walker smirked. All I could do was nod as Walker stood up, reaching back down to help me.

Walker made his way to a control panel and proceeded to push buttons. One caused Mew to stop whatever he was doing and breath a sigh of relief and another made him wince again.

"Walker! You're hurting it!" I scolded.

"Oops! Uh... What... One... Oh!" Walker found the button he had pushed and Mew was able to relax again.

After a few more pointless buttons Mew was finally released and nearly tumbled to the floor before I caught it. The poor thing was exhausted and laid limp in my arms.

"We can't stay here." Walker rushed.

"No. I have a plan." I grinned as I looked at a vent near the floor. "If we are at their destination, then they are probably all exciting the boat now." I paused and listened to the sounds of foot steps above us. "He was probably sent to get Mew." I pointed to the unconscious sailer. "We can all climb into the vents and escape." I explained. All the Pokemon let out an excited cheer in agreement. Walker didn't argue with me, but simply proceeded to open the vent.

After struggling for a few minutes a Numel stepped out of the group. He small Pokemon nudged Walker out of the way and proceeded to shoot flames at the metal bars, melting them instantly.

"Don't touch-" I started to warn, but Walker was too quick and burnt his hand. "The metal, it's hot." I finished my sentence anyway.

I looked down at a group of Marill and one nodded and shot water on the smoking hot metal, cooling it instantly. I smirked at the Marill and it took Walker's steaming hand and gently sprayed it with water.

"Thank you." Walker smiled softly at the Marill, making my heart melt.

Quickly I shook the feeling and motioned to Walker that the metal was cool and he could now touch it. One by one the Pokemon filed in behind Walker as I strapped Mew to my chest so I could crawl.

Once everyone was in the vent I bent down to follow only to have someone pull on my foot. I jolted back as the being pulled me out. The Pikachu that had helped me through this mess turned around to help me but I motioned for him to continue with the others. A sad look was shared before I was completely hauled out of the vent.

"Where are they?" Ronald pulled me up to his face and shouted.

"Who?" I asked calmly.

"Walker and the Pokemon you stole!" He snarled. "Where are they? In the vent?" He dropped me to the floor and glared into the vent. Thank Arceus they had all managed to get around a corner and out of Ronald's view. "At least I have you-" he paused. "And Mew? This is excellent." He let out an evil grin and glared at me.

"No!" I turned and ran out the door clutching Mew to my chest. "I won't let him have you." I breathed out to small pink Pokemon in my arms.

I ran back the way I had come, not stopping, not thinking. Leaping up the stairs I pulled out my grappling hook and prepared to shoot it.

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